Hello everyone,
I'm working towards completing the Karamja achievment set and I need one ore achievment "It's a snap". I need to buy a snapdragon from Jackie outside of the agility arena for 10 agility tickets, and make a super restore with it.
Problem is that if I buy the snapdragon that it wont get ticked off that I bought it from her. Which means if I make a super restore 3, the task wont be complete. I tried it inside the arena, outside, sell the snapdragon and buy it back (cause you buy it noted) but nothing seems to work.
If you look at the achievment it shows 2 steps.
1: buy snapdragon
2: make the super restore
But after I buy a snapdragon from Jackie, it wont lighten up (ticked off)
Anyone who recently solved this got any tips for me, so I can complete it?
Thanks for reading
10-Jul-2018 12:35:53