Been busy questing this weekend and so far I've finished:
Crocodile Tears, Our Man in the North, Phite Club, Pieces of Hate, You Are It, The Needle Skips, and Chef's Assistant
. Been a long time since I've quested and now I remember why

. Out of this bunch I found Crocodile Tears and Needle Skips to be the most annoying solely due to the fact that there was a lot of unnecessary running around.
Was a bit surprised on
Phite Club
with that last boss fight. Wasn't hard but more difficult than I thought it would be. Guess it didn't help that I had my chat open so spamming the freedom ability was a fail. Boss man had hella LP too.
Our Man in the North
was also annoying as I kept picking the wrong guy but ez nonetheless. Though I did think the hopping around on top of Al-Kharid was cool (not to mention that the title kept making me think of Jon Snow

big rip to how that show ended).
Anyway I should be able to finish off these last 5 quests within the week. After that, may do some clues although not 100% sure.