L0L don't know how I missed this from last week so sorry (
or am I?
). Anyhow should be saying the same to you, only got on for pengs this weekend! So clever with your little spoiler back there too ha ha ha, haraz. Play more & do floors with your fav people...still need 120 after all
I put in so much thought and effort into flaming you in that post and you go and ignore it, totally unprofessional of you!
You should be ashamed of yourself
I guess I should congratulate you on getting 111 Dungeoneering and the fact that you're planning to train Slayer is just music to my ears, for once you're actually heading in the right direction so Kudos! But wait, aren't 120 Dung/Slayer/Inv all comp requirements... Does that mean
is actually going for Comp?
True, I should come on and do more floors with my favs, wonder if Livid will get members back on main so me, him and Hawaii can do some more occults and rake in that dungeoneering experience. All aboard the gains train!
Hopefully see you/mock you at penguins later! Ciao