Some of the later quests our content developers are making are really awesome, make sure to take your time to really enjoy them!
Totally agree with Mod Lyon, the later Quests and the Quests related to the lore of the game are awesome. I loved getting my Quest Cape, just need to get it back now.
haha, yeah I really need to get back into the swing of questing! Think I'll probably get some done over the weekend as I'm pretty much done charm collecting
Also, getting back into the swing of questing and am working on the 'experienced' ones now.
** Oh and a new change in plans for 99 Summoning**
Now that I'm 96, I found it to be way more profitable for me to make pack yak pouches here on out. I was originally going to be doing granite lobsters as it would be very little loss but turns out collecting loads of yak hides seems to have paid off. So I may be profiting in the end? Dunno but will definitely cost me less than granite lobsters and now I know for sure I have enough charms wooooot
Guess it's also important to note that I had posted this nearly a month ago (wow):
Thanks for popping back in
Yeah, pack yak pouches were great, actually got 99 yesterday
As for the quests, am almost done with the "experienced" lot...have like 4 more to do
So yeah, as stated above I finally got
Definitely a 99 that I never thought I'd get to pretty happy about this one. Not really sure what I'll be using my aura on next, any suggestions? In the meantime I'll be getting back to completing quests as I've put that off for awhile.
Hey Semp!
Congrats on getting 99 Summoning! You've made some amazing progress since the last time I posted here.
Anyway, just wanted to stop by and continue to support you! Good luck with more questing!