Heya Guys & Gals.
Yes, tis me.
If you haven't yet had the pleasure since my recent name changing debacles, this is Imdiein(g)2/Fail Imdi/TheBooshKing.
Just realised i wasn't actually part of this thread yet, thought (being an avid Achievers Chat user), i should probably join in.
So yah, this is me, i'm going for 99 slayer, blah blah.
Probably never get there - i'm terrible with goals.
Put that in the proper section if you'd like Shadoken/Str, it's up to you. i read it all, i promise - you two just bored me, so i skipped to Accie's green bits
PS, why do i never see MWIM around anymore? ^_~
i never really thought of joining but im always in the chat so..
Username: move along94 changed to acer inferno
Your current goal: 99 fletch/ 85 att/str 99 def
If you have a combo goal, which goal are you achieving first?: fletching then att then str then def
Are you currently on our Surfers list?: nope
If not, do you currently wish to be added?: sure
Are you a new Achievers United clan chat user?: yea
Thread Quickfind Code: no g&a thread. too distracting
Username: Wrath 0f 3 changed to TheSkillsSon
Your current goal: Get all non cb stats above 50
If you have a combo goal, which goal are you achieving
first?: Currently Fishing.
Are you currently on our Surfers list?: No
If not, do you currently wish to be added?: Yes
Are you a new Achievers United clan chat user?: Yes
Thread Quickfind Code: 48-49-988-59828830
War. War
08-Nov-2009 19:55:00
- Last edited on
08-Nov-2009 19:55:26
**Goal Update Template**
Username: Flintoff-95
New Information: I have created a new thread
Do you have a new thread, if so what is the qfc:48-49-138-59874238
Are you listed under a goal already? where?: my old thread was ¡!Running towards an arrow!¡, but the goals themselves havent changed so nothing needs removing, just the old thread.
EDIT: Note that it is still under construction
09-Nov-2009 23:47:10
- Last edited on
09-Nov-2009 23:47:35