My Other, much broader point is that I personally do not believe that anyone should be able to set rules above and beyond JaGex's own rules.
A lot of people in the chat kept saying that being in the chat was a privilege and as such we should abide by the rules laid down by the chat owner, but being in a chat that is publicly open is no different to being in public chat - and JaGex's rules should not be overridden by anything else.
Also to the people calling it a privilege - it's a chat in a computer game, not water.
If i continue to use the chat, I will continue to abide by JaGex's rules, and nobody elses.
It is my basic right to voice my opinions in any public forum, and as such when I am told I cannot explain these opinions and am forcibly removed from the chat it is totally unacceptable.
The rules you have laid out within this thread for the chat are far to vague, and seem to be able to be bent to cover almost any situation you or your moderators deem unsuitable.
Each rule within itself is down to interpretation and surely this applies for both sides - if the majority of the chat is comfortable discussing something then it should be allowed, not warned against or removed because just one person disagree's.
What I propose is a vote on the subjects raised here - If the majority of the chat want to be able to speak freely then let them, don't let your personal opinions, which so often cause conflict within the chat, stop other peoples basic rights - whether they be in game or real world.
Hopefully you will atleast take this in to consideration. I, along with several other members of the chat will be severely dissapointed if this is just ignored.
20-Feb-2011 02:26:45
- Last edited on
20-Feb-2011 02:38:27
The Pillar