**Goal + Surfer Template**
This will be the template if you wish us to add you to a goal section and/or the surfers list. If you see something that doesn't apply to you, please put N/A next to it.
Username: I Marrar I
Your current goal: 60(or 70 Attack) 1 Def, 99 Range, 94 Mage, 44 Pray, Possibly Summoning
If you have a combo goal, which goal are you achieving first?: Not sure, just want to be a good pure.
Are you currently on our Surfers list?: no
If not, do you currently wish to be added?: yes
Are you a new Achievers United clan chat user?: No, My *main* is Cole G64
Thread Quickfind Code: N/A
26-Dec-2009 18:34:43