Great job on all of the achieving everyone; keep it up!
I've been really busy lately, so please excuse my inactivity on this thread and in the clan chat.
Lastly, good to see that you're a Forum Moderator again, Priomhoide, welcome back. And congrats to Ajones57 on her new crown.
Hi everyone! It's been a very long time since I have posted, I have been very, very bust lately and haven't had as much time to focus on being online.
I think I have finally updated the surfer and goals lists, but if anyone catches something I missed, be it a display name change or an achieved goal, please let me know.
Congratulations to everyone on their recent achievements and welcome new surfers!
Hey, guess who's back
30 Agility
43 Thieving
53 Crafting
84 Fletching
54 Cooking
37 Smithing
680 Total
Well, congratulations to everyone that has achieved milestones, goals. May you all have fun skilling and I wish everyone the best of luck in achieving their goals.
Until next time,
---> KNL