Did 4 elite clues tonight!
1 rune arma plate (900k clue)
346k clue rerolled to a 246k clue (lol)
Guthix bow and rune arma kiteshield - 1.7m. apparently guthix bow super rare like dyes?
263k clue
Got another scroll in the 2 mins between clicking an elf and wanting to log off, saving it for tomorrow for a quick start!
Also 500k+ thieving xp
EDIT: Wow Guthix bow shows up on adventure log drops. I know it's not close to same rarity but it is same section of very to mega rare
Here's to more super rare drops, but I would prefer ones worth a little more....
Hard clues
- Barrows dye 51, 3a platelegs 55th
Elite clues
- Sack of Effigies 115th
3a robe from Oyster