
~~~ Setting the Standard ~~~

Quick find code: 48-49-613-61849655

Dec Member 2011


Posts: 3,164 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Gonna kill rax every day and train invention in the meantime. Still slow but starting to get rolling again.
Hard clues
- Barrows dye 51, 3a platelegs 55th
Elite clues
- Sack of Effigies 115th

3a robe from Oyster

15-Jun-2016 04:48:54

Dec Member 2011


Posts: 3,164 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
12th kill of rax ever and I got leg piece + 2 uncut onyx while duoing with a friend :)

Now I just have to keep killing it to get the other pieces, already anxious about that !
Hard clues
- Barrows dye 51, 3a platelegs 55th
Elite clues
- Sack of Effigies 115th

3a robe from Oyster

18-Jun-2016 04:43:27

Dec Member 2011


Posts: 3,164 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Trying path 2 and it's ok. Slower than the other ones which is disappointing but I eat much less which is nice !

Starting to get down the dps'ing for rax, eating smarter and all of that. Only getting 4 kills/day though because I am doing it very casually for just around an hour or so.

I should get back to invention but frankly do not want to at the time :P
Hard clues
- Barrows dye 51, 3a platelegs 55th
Elite clues
- Sack of Effigies 115th

3a robe from Oyster

22-Jun-2016 06:18:57

Dec Member 2011


Posts: 3,164 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Still killing rax. Got my first pheromone around the 20th kill. Too many trisk pieces >****; Also take an hour or so a night to do some inv training with slayer so I can start making progress towards max.
Hard clues
- Barrows dye 51, 3a platelegs 55th
Elite clues
- Sack of Effigies 115th

3a robe from Oyster

24-Jun-2016 06:32:48

Dec Member 2011


Posts: 3,164 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Today I got from level 86-92 invention!! Pretty proud of that :) Now under 10m invention xp until I can wear that max cape!!
Hard clues
- Barrows dye 51, 3a platelegs 55th
Elite clues
- Sack of Effigies 115th

3a robe from Oyster

12-Jul-2016 03:50:51

Dec Member 2011


Posts: 3,164 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Back to slowly training. Getting close to having 3m/9.4m xp needed for 99 banked. Just doing a few slayer assignments/night so not just grinding it out
Hard clues
- Barrows dye 51, 3a platelegs 55th
Elite clues
- Sack of Effigies 115th

3a robe from Oyster

16-Jul-2016 07:06:44

Dec Member 2011


Posts: 3,164 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I will max this week. Have been taking my time lately and have 6.3m/9.4m xp saved up for invention. Just gonna get nox + pernix to lvl12 to siphon and then disassemble all of the gano/crystal staffs that I have.

I can't wait :o Though I need to come up with an outfit...
Hard clues
- Barrows dye 51, 3a platelegs 55th
Elite clues
- Sack of Effigies 115th

3a robe from Oyster

25-Jul-2016 05:52:26

Quick find code: 48-49-613-61849655 Back to Top