
Former flax picker goals

Quick find code: 48-49-603-66079077

May Member 2022


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Did one dark beast task and then half an abby demons task before i could disassme. Hopped as someone crashed on dark beasts. No biggie.

Someone asked me if i could assist them today with crafting and i accepted but they logged right out. Asked her what skill she needed assistance with, as i don't have all 99s yet. (Endgame). I must have said it wrong and she thought i was gonna try charge her. [qfc id= :P ][/qfc] Clearedthat up and apparently assisted someone who i think never used it.

99 inventon complete! First goal down! Many more to come im sure.

Might log in later to finish tasks but that was a decent stopping point. :)
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05-Feb-2019 03:51:47 - Last edited on 05-Feb-2019 03:59:37 by TomG

May Member 2022


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Gathered together some bonus xp best i could by doing the event. Managed to get 100 invention. Did a airrut task, then an abby demon task. Abby orb that was cool, if only just to say rhat its a more unique drop.

Probably be on later to to dark beasts and gargs.

Managed a virtual hp level yesterday. Using a bit better weaponary thanks to a suggestion from a friend that has helped speed up tasks. Feel like i'm making halfway decent progress. Might be removing a goal soon, find something to replace it with.

Ended the night with doing gargsand dark beasts. Not a bad task day. Nothing dropped of note aside of a gmaul.

Getting closer? Over 3m from slayer and range level. Still a long way to go
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06-Feb-2019 02:48:58 - Last edited on 06-Feb-2019 09:15:57 by TomG

May Member 2022


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Did a quest yesterday, (gowers quest, yes i an that far behind). So i got a smoking hot one quest point. Loved the fourth wall breaking. Starting dark beasts now. Bout halfway through task.

Finished 2 dark beast tasks. Crashed once returning player no biggie. Would have pronsbly done another task if i wasnt picking up a few people at abby demons drops. And then the returning players drops. Never too proud to pick up 12-30k with area loot and gem bag.
Sleep time.

Woke up >.< insomnia

Did an abby task and gargs task. Then did airuts. Unique drop being a granite maul. The airrut task was a bit rough, constant stone spirit drops are very disappointing. I was happy to see an uncut sapphire over any stone spirits. Airruts are not a crazy hard task, but still should justify as slightly harder to kill then any of my other tasks. This update has affected so much of the game, i'm not seeing why the spirit stone are a thing, or why they have are on the drop table

If anything, they really should just be a bonus drop, and a bonus drop that doesn't come along very easily. I have never done airruts for the drops, but if they werent such good xp i probably would not kill them. Level 75 slayer killing gargoyles probably is more profitable, as the gloves airruts drop don't seem to have the appeal.

Smithing update is a bit of a letdown. I try not to br negative by attempting to see both sides of the coin, but those stones are only gonna get cheaper. I really hope to see an update in the future. But even that i see being an issue with some of the hoarding going on, anticipating an update i know people who have bought large sums of these stones to try to get rich off a damage control update. My only thought would be trading in the stones for a raffle for cosmetics or low level rewards, or making them a secondary hard to drop item.

What do i know though? Rant over. Productive day.

Edit: Bring back the NPC announcing that update in the g.e., and make him attackable.
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08-Feb-2019 03:41:53 - Last edited on 08-Feb-2019 11:45:19 by TomG

May Member 2022


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Hung out with friends tonight. Finished a dark beast task off, then headed to gwd to kill zammy boss. Lots of kills but not real drops.

Lots of random treasure hunter keys doing that, always love to see those.

When I was about done i disasdisassembled one of my bows and achieved 101 invention. Kinda cool!

Still not sure what i should do on double xp weekend. Fletching? My usual stuff? Bleh idk.

From here on in, i will only use silverhawk down feathers, using oddements and other random ways to get them..

I think i might have not posted everything yesterday? But there are everyday gains.
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10-Feb-2019 07:36:35

May Member 2022


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Started the day off capping at citadel. Did some bossing, (nothing of note), finished an abby demon task, then did gargs, then did dark beasts, and then finished with another abby demon task. Dark bow from dark beasts, didnt record yesterdays adventures.

About 1.5m off of 117 range so thats cool.

Forward progress. Hit a milestone of 650 tasks in a row? Maybe 550? I do not remember. Gained 97 wc from capping at citadel.

I kind of think of this thread as a diary, but even more secure because no one reads it

Edit: I did get to use british slang today in response to two clan members. Something like, "get a hold of your bird", so thats probably a bigger accomplishment then anything listed here
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11-Feb-2019 05:45:19 - Last edited on 11-Feb-2019 06:12:04 by TomG

May Member 2022


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Nothing special today. 3 tasks, the usuals. Gargs, then dark beasts, then abbys. Less then 1m xp away from 117 range. No special drops. But decent amounts of monsters per task. Thats always nice.

Ran into a player at gargs who picked up all there drops, that was cool to see. Decent player too.

Progress for the sake of progres tonight
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12-Feb-2019 08:58:22

May Member 2022


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Didn't get but two tasks done, gargs and dark beasts, but did do a bit of sad pking.

By sad pking i mean i have no clue what im doing. Got dragged by a friend to try it out.

Rs3 pking is.. not a thing i think.

Killed 8-10 people all of which were skillers. All my level. I'd hop into a world, come up, and give like 10 seconds before even trying to attack. No one hops while i was skulled.

Made 700k? Two skillers had a drop of 500k, and 200k. Not doing this again for sure, but was mildly fun. Kind of felt like i was ragging people a bit. Weird experience, last time i went to actually pk a dds was respected deadly weapon. Probably lucky i didn't run into any actual pkers.

Like 500k till 117 range
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13-Feb-2019 09:05:18 - Last edited on 13-Feb-2019 09:12:25 by TomG

May Member 2022


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Had a pretty good day yesterday, gained a range level, and an invention level. Did gargs, dark beasts and abbys and airuts. Nothing too notable drop wise, save maybe a scale.


Had to leave the clan i was in, that never feels good. Bummer :(

Did a gargs task. Should be able to get the others done later on.
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16-Feb-2019 10:07:20

May Member 2022


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Ended up waiting a day. Completed a few garg tasks, abby demons and dark beasts.

Best drop was a super restore drop. Also another g maul. But more progress! Thats key

I also had a daily challenge to mine 5 gold in the LRC. Super fast, but a head scratcher. I don't wanna call it glitch as i kined 5 gold but it was more like 50 or so gold before it was completed. Free key thought.
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17-Feb-2019 06:31:55 - Last edited on 17-Feb-2019 06:51:55 by TomG

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