Most of these level ups and Goals achieved were over the DXP Weekend - I was really proud of how much I accomplished, I have to admit protein recourses helped tremendously
I also had a coupe of each skill and combat small crates.
Goals Achieved
Prayer - 95 (New Goal 99)
Agility - 85 (New Goal 90)
Invention - 25 (New Goal 30)
Congrats on 99 prayer! Did you train it at Fayre? Very cool, first 99 combat skill as well!
Thank you
It's my 2nd I have the cooking cape too - I trained my cooking at the Fayre event and when that hit 99, I poured everything into prayer and got that too
I always thought prayer would be one of my last because of the expensive of it unless I suddenly came into money which we all know doesn't' happen - so it was a nice surprise to actually have it - I think it's one of the most prestigious capes to have