Went bossing some today and recieved about 35.9M in drops.
Went to Nex for two hours and received 2 Torva Full Helms, Pernix Body and Pernix boots. Duo Split.
Went to Kalphite King after And Received a mh Rapier and an oh Mace in 4 kills. Trio Split.
Very nice! RNG must be smiling at you
Perhaps. two hours of Nex last night got me and my friend a Z bow and Torva boots too. Helps me pay off invention at least.
Semper Fidelis
Honor, Courage & Commitment
I am unsure if I have mentioned it here yet but I am aiming to hit 120 mining and smithing on the BEXP weekend. I could likely get before but trying to get smithing first.
Semper Fidelis
Honor, Courage & Commitment