Wow, you came a long way since I last checked the thread the other week. Congratulations on all your levels, keep it up!
*•›.,¸¸,.‹´.....‹,¸¸,‹' ¨˜*•›.,¸¸,.‹
˜°*•›.,¸¸¸,‹' The 9HP Noob
Thanks Aiv
almost got enough Charms for 88, after that I'll finally be able to use my Green and Blue charms, so I should be able to get 90 Summoning this week. and getting closer to 97 Ranged aswell, 341K left
I'm actually already past the half way, my Effigies are worth around 2.5M Summoning xp atm (if I would use and open them at around 96 Summoning)
using my Charms atm, should be 90 tomorow