I should get 78 Dungeoneering with today's Daily task. Apart from that I've been playing old-school Runescape quite a bit. Been doing Barrows and merchanting Partyhats. (Just got my first barrows item, a guthan's chainskirt
) I think I have a bank of around 4-5M now. Hoping to get around 10M, and then I will go High alching for a while ^^ Time to get 99 Magic for the fourth time, teehee..
Are you doing Sinkholes? Sinkholes will help you out with Dung A LOT! At level 100 I'm getting 100-150k xp a day and it only takes about 10 minutes out of my day. It happens ever 60 minutes on the half hour (00:30).
At level 78 I'm going to guess you can get anywhere from 60-80k xp a day. I wouldn't really know since I didn't start doing them till level 98*****;****; But they are very much worth it!!
All you would have to do is run around collecting fish, logs, or plants depending on which one is required for that sinkhole. And being in a specific place doesn't matter since the rewards are random so don't worry about not being in 1st place. ;-P
Oh, that sounds promising! I'll look into it, never tried the Sinkholes before. I get around 80K with my daily Dungeoneering tasks, which helps a lot, so I wonder what I'll get from the Sinkholes.
*should pay more attention to updates*