Oh, how I admire you so much in terms of the achievements you have gotten. I always pictured you to be alongside a great player known as "Villandra". I always used to lurk around waiting for your next video upload, I support you 100% and I wish you all the luck for getting 99 slayer!
I'll never be as great as Villandra, but she did inspire me to keep on playing from time to time.
Thanks for the support, and glad to see you like my videos, I'll hopefully be making more of them during the summer
Really 10 HP? Whoah.. that sucks..
I can't understand why Jagex can't just be clear about things like that. Let us know what we can expect... We've been asking for specifics about updates and such for years now, and they still fail to do so..
Thanks for the heads-up, I wasn't planning on bothering with the Gielinor games stuff, but I'm really glad I didn't.
Really stinks that you're 11 Hitpoints now.. will you still be playing? 1 level doesn't really make a difference in my oppinion, even though it might some time to get over it.