
Journey to 1k Elite Clues

Quick find code: 48-49-520-65585847

Brand N
Jul Member 2011

Brand N

Posts: 817 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Elite #101

12 Onyx bolt tips - 97,104gp
Dragon helm - 58,973gp
Rune platebody - 38,010gp
Palm tree seed - 174,416gp
64 Guthix arrows - 5,120gp

Elite #102

Papaya tree seed - 70,926gp
Rune platebody - 38,010gp
15 Royal dragonhide - 73,200gp
8 Battlestaffs - 57,248gp
18 Biscuits

Elite #103

Mithril dragon mask
Papaya tree seed
9 Antifire (4)-----Total:570,312gp-----Rerolled-----
9 Prayer potion (4)
2 Bandos stoles

Rune platebody - 38,010gp
5 Rune bars - 72,300gp
Palm tree seed - 174,416g*
Bandos crozier - 5,895gp
9 Super restore (4) - 31,284gp

Elite #104

Bandos kiteshield - 43,817gp
Rune platebody - 38,068gp
12 Onyx bolt tips - 97,524gp
2 Lantadyme seeds - 18,862gp
9 Prayer potion (4) - 25,965gp

Elite #105

2 Dwarf weed seeds - 31,054gp
18 Prayer potion (4) - 50,544gp
15 Swamp lizards - 33,885gp
9 Antifire (4) - 57,159gp
5 Meerkats pouches - 6,370gp

Elite #106

15 Royal dragonhide
2 Lantadyme seeds-----Total:304,076gp-----Rerolled-----
2 Dragon helms
40 Mahogany planks

5 Rune bars - 71,890gp
9 Antifire (4) - 57,159gp
Dragon staff - 26,982gp
Yew seed - 60,648gp

Elite #107

15 Royal dragonhide - 73,680gp
18 Prayer potion (4) - 50,544gp
8 Battlestaffs - 57,592gp
12 Onyx bolt tips - 97,668gp
24 Purple sweets - 26,856gp

Elite #108

15 Swamp lizards - 33,885gp
2 Uncut dragonstones - 24,654gp
5 Rune bars - 71,890gp
2 Dwarf weed seeds - 31,054gp
4 Meerkats pouches - 5,096gp

Journey to 1k Elite Clues and Trimmed Completionist

08-Mar-2015 12:28:19 - Last edited on 30-Apr-2015 20:37:55 by Brand N

Brand N
Jul Member 2011

Brand N

Posts: 817 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Elite #109

Bandos vambraces
18 Prayer potion (4)-----Total:171,120gp-----Rerolled-----
12 Onyx bolt tips

8 Water talismans - 100,840gp
Ancient stole - 3,678gp
2 Lantadyme seeds - 17,768gp
8 Battlestaffs - 58,064gp
Dragon helm - 59,237gp
9 Super restore (4) - 31,194gp

Elite #110

4 Uncut dragonstones - 49,604gp
Crystal triskelion fragment 3
Dragon sq shield ornament kit (sp) - 4,886gp
Palm tree seed - 173,912gp
40 Mahogany planks - 84,600gp

Triskelion rock face

5 Uncut dragonstones - 62,005gp
Elite clue scroll
15 Uncut diamonds - 57,660gp
Sinister key - 13,731gp
Crystal triskelion fragment 1
15 Uncut Rubies - 32,865gp


Elite #111

9 Antifire (4) - 56,763gp
10 Unicorn horns - 13,970gp
2 Uncut dragonstones - 24,802gp
Papaya tree seed - 68,170gp
6 Tai bwo wannai teleports - 5,094gp

Elite #112

5 Rune bars
2 Uncut dragonstones-----Total:262,912gp-----Rerolled-----
9 Antifire (4)
Crystal triskelion fragment 2
Dragon helm

15 Royal dragonhide - 74,940gp
2 Dwarf weed seeds -30,584gp
Dragon helm - 59,237gp
5 Pollnivneach teleports - 6,795gp

Elite #113

15 Swamp lizards - 33,705gp
Dragon helm - 59,237gp
Papaya tree seed - 68,170gp
9 Antifire (4) - 56,763gp
Palm tree seed - 173,912gp
12 Purple firelighters - 3,888gp

Elite #114

Palm tree seed - 171,805gp
2 Lantadyme seeds - 18,280gp
Yew seed - 58,992g*
Bandos vambraces - 23,544g*
Bandos full helm - 41,319gp
40 Mahogany planks - 84,680gp

Journey to 1k Elite Clues and Trimmed Completionist

08-Mar-2015 13:13:34 - Last edited on 01-May-2015 05:34:06 by Brand N

Brand N
Jul Member 2011

Brand N

Posts: 817 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
^^^Nice! Did you manage to get very many dyes from those 168?

I've taken a break from doing these seriously to finish getting my comp real quick, when I get back to thieving my list will grow alot faster than it is right now.

Elite #115

Palm tree seed
15 Royal dragonhide-----Total:274,562gp-----Rerolled-----
Ancient body
2 Lantadyme seeds

2 Dwarf weed seeds - 29,800gp
30 Swamp lizards - 68,190gp
10 Unicorn horns - 14,070gp
15 Royal dragonhides - 75,330gp
26 Purple sweets - 27,690gp

Elite #116

5 Rune bars - 71,535gp
Armadyl stole - 9,222gp
Bandos Vambraces - 21,718gp
Rune platebody - 37,817gp
2 Lantadyme seeds - 20,320gp

Elite #117

9 Super restore (4) - 31,797gp
2 Uncut dragonstones - 24,938gp
8 Battlestaffs - 56,344gp
26 Fetch casket scrolls - 2,002gp

Elite #118

8 Battlestaffs
8 Water talismans----Total:222,202gp----Rerolled----
1 Yew seed
8 Bandit camp teleports

10 Unicorn horns - 16,350gp
15 Royal dragonhide - 73,680gp
Rune platebody - 37,817gp
1 Palm tree seed - 155,669gp
2 Dwarf weed seeds - 27,784gp
7 Lumber yard teleports - 53,508gp

Elite #119

2 Lantadyme seeds - 20,320gp
9 Antifire (4) - 57,159gp
10 Lumber yard teleports - 76,440gp

Elite #120

Dragon helm - 59,030gp
2 Dwarf weed seeds - 23,374gp
2 Lantadyme seeds -17,984gp
1 Yew seed - 56,240gp
16 White firelighters - 1,546gp

Journey to 1k Elite Clues and Trimmed Completionist

25-Mar-2015 04:17:09 - Last edited on 22-May-2015 05:52:35 by Brand N

Brand N
Jul Member 2011

Brand N

Posts: 817 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Elite #121

40 Mahogany planks
1 Papaya tree seed
9 Super restore (4)----Total:244,851gp---Rerolled
9 Antifire (4)
Prismatic large fallen star??

30 Swamp lizards -66,780gp
10 Unicorn horn -14,760gp
Penguin staff -27,445gp
2 Lantadyme seeds -17,984gp
5 Rune bars -71,180gp

Elite #122

8 Battlestaffs -57,776gp
2 Palm tree seeds -299,572gp
2 Dwarf weed seeds -23,456gp
1 Papaya tree seed -64,122gp
10 Bandit camp teleports -9,270gp

Elite #123

10 Rune bars -142,540gp
2 Uncut dragonstones -25,356gp
24 Purple sweets -25,224gp

Elite #124

Bandos crozier
40 Mahogany planks
Yew seed----Total:291,438gp----Rerolled
5 Rune bars
10 Unicorn horns

Dragon helm -59,148gp
8 Battlestaffs -57,472gp
5 Rune bars -71,155gp
Papaya tree seed -63,258gp

Elite #125

9 Antifire (4) -57,861gp
Rune platebody -38,212gp
18 Water talismans -184,368gp
5 Rune bars -71,370gp
24 Purple sweets -26,496gp

Elite #126

2 Rune platebodies -76,424gp
2 Lantadyme seeds -19,478gp
Palm tree seed -151,030gp
Dragon helm -59,182gp
8 Tai bwo wannai teleports -6,296gp

Elite #127

Rune platebody
12 Onyx bolt tips
8 Battlestaffs----Total:264,105gp----Rerolled
Papaya tree seed
10 Bandit camp teleports

9 Super restore (4) -26,478gp
Ancient plateskirt -36,455gp
12 Onyx bolt tips -96,048gp
Ancient platebody -118,689gp
Palm tree seed -150,142gp

Elite #128

8 Battlestaffs -57,680gp
Papaya tree seed -64,301gp
Dragon helm -59,218gp
2 Dwarf weed seeds -27,648gp
Yew seed -55,545gp
6 Lumber yard teleports -35,346gp

Journey to 1k Elite Clues and Trimmed Completionist

29-Mar-2015 11:24:38 - Last edited on 29-May-2015 03:15:14 by Brand N

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