(shrugs) a full fledged career perhaps..but you have to realize that it is 10,000 hours from when I was in seventh grade to now, my second term in college.
"Sorry dude.. but thats just messed up..
I've been playing for 8 years between 5 acc's and I don't even have 1000 hour total..
Get a life.. play some sport.. try downhill skateboard...
But non the less... Congrats for wasting 8000 HOURS of your life bro!!! *CLAPS*"
Sorry to break it to you, RS is more of a life than skateboarding! Lol!
Anyway, grats on your goal man! Thats very nice. Im working on it as well!
And to all the people say it's a waste of time.. its NOT! He's having fun on here, wasting time would be sitting in a chair staring at a wall! I could say how much time you Cod nerds waste from first person shooters and Xbox!