Been back as runescape member for about 3 months, catching up on quests and acheivements. Small really fun interlude in darkscape. Always a solo dungeoneer. Never found group dg to be fun - full of short tempered, short att span bullies. Not the friendly types met elsewhere in rs. Perhaps it is the ridic low dg reward per dungeon.
DG last level to get to 75 for plague end. Lot of DG catch up to do. Needed the assist team member and complete team dg easy task. Found DG clan but too shy to ask for help.
Once remembered how to accept invite (lol - such sympathy not from dg crowd) jpined K's dg party this am - able to get the assist done, but need to work out how to zoom in to that copy action puzzle. Really could do with mech to complete floors when party membs have left. Aplogies to that party that couldn't keep up - prob 5 times your age.
Not clear if achievements poss in free side. Led a 2 person party. V left party after 1 min. Thought we were doing well. Able to finish it on my own, and easy dg achievement complete.
Safely back to solo DG. No ADHD or leechers to put up with.
28-Apr-2018 21:07:27