That spoiler on page 74 did not make it too far unspoiled
Many congratulations for Mining, about 60 million Divination exp and an array on achievements I'm not sure I could fit into one post
Interesting updates with the thread. I preferred the neat Prayer level; 95 is
. A whole post for quests? Why would you not want to be a noob at bossing
Well done with that Prifddinas entry (please feel free to stop questing now because ew). If you haven't planted a Crystal Tree yet it could be worth looking into, they can be harvested once per day for 15k Farming exp. The Crystal Acorn isn't easy to find though. The Exoskeleton set may be useful for any Thieving you do as well.
You should try out Dominion Tower, the gloves are fantastic. Who knows, you could put it into Shenanigans, or create one of the most unique moments in the history of the G&A forums and dedicate a whole post to it!
Nice ears
Happy Spring!
If you can imagine a colder time and cover up the date, then ignore the last sentence because I'm right on time here:
Merry Christmas, hooray for the fifth birthday and seventh year of this magnificent creation, and Happy New Year
Thank you, Steven.
Yes, the thread has changed. I'm also "considering" maxing once I get 120 divination, but I'm still uncertain. Yes, training prayer was eww, but I managed. The quest reqs for entering Prif weren't bad. I want to gain access to seren spells eventually, but I have a crapton of quests to complete, ewww.
Crystal Acorn seed s rare indeed, I want to get it. I'm hoping to get the seeds while training agility at the hefin course. Who knows, I could get lucky? I've used the exosckeleton set while training thieving at pp and I love it. Thieving just stinks at lower levels.
and I'll be at pp for awhile until I can do dwarf traders.
I've never tried Dominion Tower and I always will be a noob at bossing lol.
That spoiler on page 74 did not make it too far unspoiled

Interesting updates with the thread. I preferred the neat Prayer level; 95 is

Well done with that Prifddinas entry (please feel free to stop questing now because ew). If you haven't planted a Crystal Tree yet it could be worth looking into, they can be harvested once per day for 15k Farming exp. The Crystal Acorn isn't easy to find though. The Exoskeleton set may be useful for any Thieving you do as well.
You should try out Dominion Tower, the gloves are fantastic. Who knows, you could put it into Shenanigans, or create one of the most unique moments in the history of the G&A forums and dedicate a whole post to it!
Nice ears

If you can imagine a colder time and cover up the date, then ignore the last sentence because I'm right on time here:
Merry Christmas, hooray for the fifth birthday and seventh year of this magnificent creation, and Happy New Year

Thank you, Steven.

Yes, the thread has changed. I'm also "considering" maxing once I get 120 divination, but I'm still uncertain. Yes, training prayer was eww, but I managed. The quest reqs for entering Prif weren't bad. I want to gain access to seren spells eventually, but I have a crapton of quests to complete, ewww.

Crystal Acorn seed s rare indeed, I want to get it. I'm hoping to get the seeds while training agility at the hefin course. Who knows, I could get lucky? I've used the exosckeleton set while training thieving at pp and I love it. Thieving just stinks at lower levels.

I've never tried Dominion Tower and I always will be a noob at bossing lol.

Honestly Brutal
02-Jun-2016 06:59:52