Whole thread has been re done and updated, I swear I'll be a lot more consistent updating! Promise!
Lotsa levels and smaller trim/comp reqs completed . Finishing all tasks (including dom tower and temple trekking) was a massive one I'm happy to be done with. Taskmaster is shweeet. ^.^
For a full update of what I've done in the last month check my side thread:
Why Trim: A Trimmed Comp Goal, QFC: 48-49-430-65036003
Anyways a lot more consistency coming up, and for the record I lvoe RS3!
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape
Unlocked most of the new songs last night, including the Vorago one which was fun, me and my clannies/friends died like 3 times before we finally got past the 50k damage and unlocked the track. xD
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape