Them gainz are hawt
You'll be impressed that I've made even more gains.
20m xp reached in Attack, Cooking, Crafting, Fletching, Herblore and Prayer. Five skills left.
Noteable drops were a dragon chainbody off Kalphite Queen, something I used to dream about LOL. After some luck on a reaper legiones task, I finished an ascension crossbow in a mere 188 keys, returing 45m profit (crazy good considering how low asc are atm). The breakup was as followed:
primus - 36
secundus - 21
tertius - 1
quartus - 17
qintus - 33
sextus - 80
Also picked up my second boss pet, from sara after 1,380 kills.
On the raids update, I have got my trim back, they're actually really fun. From the update, these are the new true trim reqs (courtesy of Esquire):
-Lil' Tuzzy
-Krar Jnr
-Unlock all Achto Armor
Shops & Interfaces
-Gain Maximum reputation in Mazcab
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape
23-Jul-2015 00:30:08
- Last edited on
23-Jul-2015 00:31:14
Forgot to say I also added in a boss counter, which is just a transfer over from my interface in-game to here. Find it here.
Boss Counter
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape
Nice Boss Counter and nice Saradomin Pet. Keep up the good work!
Thanks man
20m xp reached in both Fishing and Mining. 3 to go, and at 19m xp in hunt and agile.
I finally finished my first spider leg ever, at 172 total kills. Sold for 177m, so not gonna complain. I bought my nox staff, and for the first time ever, I own t90 weps in all styles.
(nox bow/staff, dual dry longs)
However my luck at rots was on point, as I picked up one of each shield in 21 kills. ANd also picked up an elysian sigil that went for 18m.
Anyways, my latest project apart from 20m+ has been starting my first legit drop tab, it's around 80m atm and will involve the following:
If I get pet/* before reaching the target I'll stop, but hoping to hit around a 500m drop tab.
Boss counter updated also.
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape
05-Aug-2015 23:29:08
- Last edited on
05-Aug-2015 23:32:39
Sir Danny
Impressive good luck
Thank you sir, I've seen you around a few times also.
Few updates to the true trim list, most noticeable being I've added all dragon defenders to the list, not just dragon. I've added all gilded pickaxes, and also all attuned crystal items. Raider gear from goblin raids has also been added, not to mention the unlocking of new mazcab abilities.
Finished off my last set of warpriest, Bandos, so all 4 sets now reside in my wardrobe.
On the pvm front, my luck continued, as I picked picked up 2 spider leg parts and a hilt (fang) back to back to back. I then recieved another middle leg 7 kills later. Godwars has also been generous, although no pet yet at either zammy or bandos. Drop tab is now around 150m.
Boss counter also updated.
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape
Title changed at author's request.
Thanks apple.
New thread title obviously, thought I'd add a bit of a stamp on my list, seeing as it's now fairly unique and different to most others.
Some updates that I missed before were the new black crystals from Mor*ran's slayer challenge, the next bit in the expired spin ticket series, and also the strange glowing orb, which currently has no use atm but eh.
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape
20m xp achieved in both Hunter and Stregth to round out all my skills at a 20m base.
Also did some minor true trim things, finished my fairy book log, and also realised I never made the last divination boon......Which yes, means I've been missing out on the 5% boost for the last 15m xp LOL. Also picked up the Squidge pet from social slayer and the first piece out of three from shadow creatures to make Penny (the dark soul, easiest to get).
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape
17-Aug-2015 23:05:34
- Last edited on
17-Aug-2015 23:10:59