
Emba's True Trim List

Quick find code: 48-49-434-64865291

Dec Member 2010


Posts: 1,399 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Esquire said :
Awesome thread man! I haven't posted on here yet, but I've been looking as this thread for quite some time now to watch your progress. I find this a HUGE inspiration and something I am aiming for myself. I even made my own thread, thanks to you and this thread (which I may or may not have copy/pasted some items from it ;) ) to track my own progress. Keep up the awesome work man, and welcome back to Runescape :)

Hey thanks man, you don't know how much it means to me. I'd like to consider my list one of the best and organised 'true trim' lists around, but I'm quiet about it, so to have someone looking at it and using it for themselves is awesome to hear. Best of luck! :D (Add me in-game, perhaps we can work together on stuff).

PhdnAfk said :
Get a life.

PhdnAfk said :
minigame weekend so lots of afking and watching movies, hooray. Unemployment benefits here I come!

Idek man, goodluck in life?

Anyways, I did a fair bit of cwars over the weekend and in the last couple days. I've hit the 2k gold tix mark, so pretty much halfway through the req. :D
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape

18-Dec-2014 09:21:22

Dec Member 2010


Posts: 1,399 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have two more tasks left to finish the Tirannwyn set, the preferred and extended slayer task, and the Rush of Blood task. Din't know that it had to be done in the reward run, and I forgot to bring my firecape for ice strykes on wave 13. xD

Anyways, I'll finish that Wednesday. I have also officially hit halfway through Castle Wars, hitting the 2,075 gold tickets mark. :D
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape

22-Dec-2014 08:48:58

Dec Member 2010


Posts: 1,399 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Tirannwyn task set completed, comp cape reclaimed. :D

Bought two out of the four perm effects for boss slayer, so two to go. Went to sara gwd last night, got a Whisper, a Arma Cbow, and a Sara Hilt (first one ever) so that got my bank up to around 30m. (lol so poor)

Gonna buy ful tectonic now for kal demons, so that will be nice. Thought with all my luck at gwd, I'd go to my last champ scroll, lesser demons...I'm now 5.5k dry, so I'm really hoping for >10k. :/

Also 50m Defence. :D
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape

25-Dec-2014 10:31:16 - Last edited on 25-Dec-2014 10:31:45 by Emba

Dec Member 2010


Posts: 1,399 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
First Kalgerion demon title finally obtained, I've also got a friend about to lend me seismics, so I'll go ham with them. ;)

6/32 gold statues completed. (6/13 to be up to date)
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape

27-Dec-2014 14:40:02

Dec Member 2010


Posts: 1,399 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lesser demon scroll at 8,550 kills (didn't cannon lol) which means I'm finally done. :D :D

Imp - 553
Goblin - 10,059
Skeleton - 12,413
Zombie - 1,350
Hobgoblin - 4,735
Giant - 1,245
Banshee - 8,180
Ghoul - 2,186
Earth Warrior - 4,407
Aberrant Spectre - 717
Jogre - 3,832
Mummy - 6
Lesser Demon - 8,550

A total of 58,233 kills, with an average of 4,480 kills, so just under the 1/5k. Could have done worse. 8.5k lessers was definitely the worst, but thank god it's over! :)
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape

29-Dec-2014 21:00:38

Dec Member 2010


Posts: 1,399 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Erasold said :
Good luck with your goal! Great progress so far. Max port score is 3766 by the way, not 5766 :p . Although that'll likely change with v3 coming fairly soon.

Thanks for the support man. :D And I've updated the max port score, either I just copy and pasted it without realising it was 5766, or it was a typo. xD Thanks for pointing it out ;)

Successfully killed the Penance King, knocking off that trim req. :)

And after 4 days of grinding, I'm up to date with golden rocks, meaning I only have to do one a week now. :) That pretty much leaves kalgs, cwars, and boss slayer which is daily. I will be borrowing some seismics for kalgs, and I'll pretty much be camping them for my remaining 4 titles now. :D
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape

01-Jan-2015 15:24:24 - Last edited on 01-Jan-2015 15:25:03 by Emba

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