
The Non-Skilling Goals

Quick find code: 48-49-421-62140658



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Things you might want to change:
In addition to a magic net/jar generator you can also fully stock Elnock's Equipment Store by giving him 127 impling jars, imp repellant, and a magic net.

The highest altar is now blood so you can get a blood rune guardian pet.

The Pharaoh Queen has to be fully restored for 2 follow up quests and the desert medium tasks so you can shorten that entry to 'Clear the Shortcut from Missing My Mummy'.

You can now tell Ali the Wise about the events up to Tww (Tww should be noted as fully completed otherwise you can finish tww without some of the key quests)

Killing the cave wolf matriarch should be marked with a 1.

'Replace a light orb in Dorgesh-Kaan' should be 'Replace 100 light orbs in Dorgesh-Kaan' because you get 5k bonus xp for your 100th light orb.

Glorious Memories added xp can be removed as the prophecy tablet is needed for max kudos.

The six desert god items require Do No Evil to be completed and include 20k agil xp, not just mining xp.

Fight Kiln requires the sacrifice of a fire cape so you don't need to list fight caves.

Kill kbd is included in max kudos.

Sawmill should have a 1 as it is a task.

You have 'complete all tasks' down so you could remove many things including sawmill, dom tower, beacon network, kings ransom, ect if you wanted to save space.

Lastly you have both get a rune defender and dragon defender mentioned.

Some things you may have missed are:
Add Spirit cape to Completionist cape.

Grow two spirit trees.

Get all God birds.

The Dig Site - Give Museum Curator the 3 exam certificates for fruit blast/cake.

Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf - Deliver gardener's letter for 2 marrentill seeds.

The Firemaker's Curse - Tell Char about Azzanadra.

Tears of Guthix - Craft the improved bowl.

P.S. Thanks so much for this list! You caught a lot of things I missed.

08-Jun-2013 10:49:12 - Last edited on 08-Jun-2013 16:33:01 by Jakir

Tim Skye

Tim Skye

Posts: 7,812 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Heya! Thanks a lot for all the feedback, awesome! And you're welcome. :) Edit: lol, you've added a lot more stuff, let me edit out this post. :P

Things I might want to change

With the Farming vial I meant Mambo's potion, which can be obtained by talking to Pauline while wearing full Witchdoctor. I've cleared this up now.

Ooh thanks I didn't know they updated Elnock to hold those items!

Which color Rune guardian you obtain is just personal preference, and because there is no level requirement on entering a Runecrafting altar, I don't see the Blood rune guardian being superior to the others. I just meant that I colored my Rune guardian and that, incidentally, the color is black.

Thanks, I've omitted restoring the pharaoh queen.

The World Wakes and Ritual of the Mahjarrat both unlock new conversation with Ali the Wise, but this goes automatically, and you don't need to provide him with information like with the other quests.

Ah yes, of course, thanks!

You are absolutely right about those orbs! Thanks!

I have several overlapping entries, e.g. fill armour case and getting all hybrid armour. In this case I think the additional rewards of Glorious Memories deserve a mention. For restoring the pharaoh queen I feel it's different as it is a quest requirement.

Requirements for post-quest goals don't need to be mentioned, I've changed mining XP to extra XP . :P

Same as prophecy table, I feel Fight Caves and killing KBD deserve a mention.

Sawmil changed to ¹, thanks.

Yeah same thing here, I have many overlapping goals, but I feel they all deserve an explicit mention. :) Otherwise I could also say get a trimmed Completionist cape and omit a lot of entries. ;)

Hmm I separated the two due to the update. I did do it on purpose, but I think I should remove the rune one now that you mention it, as I also merged the entries for Court Cases and Champion's Challenges, for instance.

Continued in next post..

08-Jun-2013 18:09:36 - Last edited on 08-Jun-2013 19:00:56 by Tim Skye

Tim Skye

Tim Skye

Posts: 7,812 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Things I may have missed

Yes I'm aware of the spirit cape! I guess I should include it, thanks!

This is part of have something growing in all 50 farming patches . I previously had the two spirit trees explicitly mentioned, but it didn't fit in 1 line when I added the compost bins, lol.

God birds are in Misc. goals, post 7 and 8.

I'm adding both Dig Site and Forgettable Tale suggestions. I think I did both, but is there any way to check this? I'm not 100% sure.

There is some conversation with Char about Azzanadra and TWW, quite interesting, but like Ali's conversation, it's repeatable, unlike for example giving Ali the information, so I don't see how it is a Non-Skilling Goal that can be completed . I don't include repeatable content that does not result in a displayable end product.

Ooh I forgot adding the ornate bowl to the thread!

Thanks a lot for taking so much time reading through my thread and comparing it to your own list! :) Your comments are very much appreciated! Good luck on completing it all.

08-Jun-2013 20:11:17



Posts: 4,506 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My own list was largely plagiarized from Lizafer's completeables and unlockables thread, so I can't take credit. Also I see that chat is repeatable now, but I'm a bit of a lore hound so I was so excited when I found it I jumped the gun a bit lol.

The only way to check if you have done Digsite/Forgettable Tale is if you can't do it again. Sadly I had to go and try both again myself to confirm when I made my list.

I also like the idea of repeating stuff just for the sake of showing everything but it is something to keep in mind if you ever need to save some space as new stuff comes out.

Right now I'm about 1,350 cw games from Comped Cape T so I've made it my goal to pretty much do everything in rs and I really can't thank you enough for making this list because you cover a lot of stuff I've missed.

Also one last question, you mention helping with cave goblin history after The Chosen Commander, is that referring to the one time dialogue with the Duke in Lumby about Sigmund's hand and the Goblin high priest talking about how he became high priest or did I miss something?

And thanks a lot for helping me with the Livid Farm bonus! I never would have figured that one out lol.

08-Jun-2013 21:35:43

Tim Skye

Tim Skye

Posts: 7,812 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ahh I see, Lizafer's list is very nice. When I stumbled upon it I found quite a few things I had missed. :) I really enjoy lore as well, so thanks for pointing it out!

Well in that case, I've done it. (I actually checked everything you mentioned in that post in-game, lol.)

True.. I will keep it in mind, but for now I've got a whole post left. At one point I will have to compress it more, though, because I really don't want to take up more than one page.

Glad to be of service! Very nicely done on your achievements, and good luck on those CW games!

Lol, I didn't even know about that conversation with the duke! It seems I also missed the one-time dialogue with Joha(c)nhus Ulsbrecht in the HAM Hideout. As for helping with the cave goblin history, I was referring to talking with the Goblin scribe in the Dorgesh-Kaan council chamber to answer his questions about historical events. However, I just went back, and it's actually repeatable, so I'll add the dialogue with the duke and Ulsbrecht instead.

Np. :)

PS: having a great time finding broken lamps atm, lol. Cheers.

08-Jun-2013 23:17:15 - Last edited on 08-Jun-2013 23:21:42 by Tim Skye



Posts: 4,506 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lol, did that yesterday and it took me several hours for 5k bonus xp and was far slower than the rate of just training firemaking -.- I was not happy about that one lol. On the other hand the more obscure the reward the cooler it feels when you finish it.

And thanks again for the info on The Chosen Commander! I've now meticulously stalked you for every line you wrote and am confident I have found everything I missed lol.

Also I just talked to the Goblin Scribe and he has 4 questions he randomly asks you and based on your answers his history will be incorrect or accurate. (For example you can say the surface goblins worship your username and that your race is an ourge and he will repeat it) So perhaps 'Give the Goblin Scribe an accurate history' could be worth putting down even if you can always change the options.

09-Jun-2013 03:49:01 - Last edited on 09-Jun-2013 04:26:30 by Jakir

Tim Skye

Tim Skye

Posts: 7,812 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Wolfie - I really appreciate how you checked every line, it's good to have some in-depth feedback, it makes the list more correct and complete. :) Hmm since he doesn't give a recent history summary if you don't supply him with some answers, I guess you can view it as a completable, I'll add it back on.

Dreamweaver - Thanks a lot for the kind words, your support is appreciated! :)

Got rank 332 at Mobilising Armies now, almost done! :D

09-Jun-2013 11:22:32



Posts: 4,506 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Dream yea Liz and I spend a lot of time at cw world 48 together. #trimming

@Tim, I can confirm Mystical Charm Slices are capped at 255 in Yaktwee's Bag. Ugh shouldn't have done that all at once, I think I have motion sickness now.

Also is ma popular again? I have 401 rank but want to get the outfits and it was empty every time I have gone since eoc.

09-Jun-2013 12:39:10 - Last edited on 09-Jun-2013 12:41:51 by Jakir

Tim Skye

Tim Skye

Posts: 7,812 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thanks for confirming 255.

Yes it is quite popular again (I'm playing right now, actually :P ). Every time I go, games are running, with usually 4-10 people. One of my friends keep running into empty worlds though, so I guess it depends on the time zone. Also, you might want to max investment credits while you're at it (at 500K, so not a big cost). I did some research into the max on reward credits as well, just for fun, but rank 3 on the MA highscores told me that the cap on this is unknown (more than 10M, and likely to be 2.147B).

09-Jun-2013 13:19:50 - Last edited on 09-Jun-2013 13:24:28 by Tim Skye

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