Things you might want to change:
In addition to a magic net/jar generator you can also fully stock Elnock's Equipment Store by giving him 127 impling jars, imp repellant, and a magic net.
The highest altar is now blood so you can get a blood rune guardian pet.
The Pharaoh Queen has to be fully restored for 2 follow up quests and the desert medium tasks so you can shorten that entry to 'Clear the Shortcut from Missing My Mummy'.
You can now tell Ali the Wise about the events up to Tww (Tww should be noted as fully completed otherwise you can finish tww without some of the key quests)
Killing the cave wolf matriarch should be marked with a 1.
'Replace a light orb in Dorgesh-Kaan' should be 'Replace 100 light orbs in Dorgesh-Kaan' because you get 5k bonus xp for your 100th light orb.
Glorious Memories added xp can be removed as the prophecy tablet is needed for max kudos.
The six desert god items require Do No Evil to be completed and include 20k agil xp, not just mining xp.
Fight Kiln requires the sacrifice of a fire cape so you don't need to list fight caves.
Kill kbd is included in max kudos.
Sawmill should have a 1 as it is a task.
You have 'complete all tasks' down so you could remove many things including sawmill, dom tower, beacon network, kings ransom, ect if you wanted to save space.
Lastly you have both get a rune defender and dragon defender mentioned.
Some things you may have missed are:
Add Spirit cape to Completionist cape.
Grow two spirit trees.
Get all God birds.
The Dig Site - Give Museum Curator the 3 exam certificates for fruit blast/cake.
Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf - Deliver gardener's letter for 2 marrentill seeds.
The Firemaker's Curse - Tell Char about Azzanadra.
Tears of Guthix - Craft the improved bowl.
P.S. Thanks so much for this list! You caught a lot of things I missed.
In addition to a magic net/jar generator you can also fully stock Elnock's Equipment Store by giving him 127 impling jars, imp repellant, and a magic net.
The highest altar is now blood so you can get a blood rune guardian pet.
The Pharaoh Queen has to be fully restored for 2 follow up quests and the desert medium tasks so you can shorten that entry to 'Clear the Shortcut from Missing My Mummy'.
You can now tell Ali the Wise about the events up to Tww (Tww should be noted as fully completed otherwise you can finish tww without some of the key quests)
Killing the cave wolf matriarch should be marked with a 1.
'Replace a light orb in Dorgesh-Kaan' should be 'Replace 100 light orbs in Dorgesh-Kaan' because you get 5k bonus xp for your 100th light orb.
Glorious Memories added xp can be removed as the prophecy tablet is needed for max kudos.
The six desert god items require Do No Evil to be completed and include 20k agil xp, not just mining xp.
Fight Kiln requires the sacrifice of a fire cape so you don't need to list fight caves.
Kill kbd is included in max kudos.
Sawmill should have a 1 as it is a task.
You have 'complete all tasks' down so you could remove many things including sawmill, dom tower, beacon network, kings ransom, ect if you wanted to save space.
Lastly you have both get a rune defender and dragon defender mentioned.
Some things you may have missed are:
Add Spirit cape to Completionist cape.
Grow two spirit trees.
Get all God birds.
The Dig Site - Give Museum Curator the 3 exam certificates for fruit blast/cake.
Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf - Deliver gardener's letter for 2 marrentill seeds.
The Firemaker's Curse - Tell Char about Azzanadra.
Tears of Guthix - Craft the improved bowl.
P.S. Thanks so much for this list! You caught a lot of things I missed.
08-Jun-2013 10:49:12 - Last edited on 08-Jun-2013 16:33:01 by Jakir