Thanks for the support, B! I will do my best to oblige.
Hi Drexi, thanks for the support!
We talked when I was getting 99 Construction? That would be before February 2009, and I still had my original username back then. Wasn't it when I was getting Construction XP for ranks? I did that around early 2010. What was your name when we met? How did we meet?
Could actually have been early 2010.
Back then.. not sure! My previous names i can think of is: Night Sm(Probably the one I had back then, my original name), DivingMuffin, Radawk, Sinreaper.
From what I hear the Fight Kiln isn't bad in the EoC, but considering how commonly it's done now anyway you should find it alright whenever you do it. Steel Titan should come in handy too.
Too busy with uni at the moment, I hope to finish this report in a few days, then I'll focus hard on Kiln. Thanks for the heads up, Steven. I still want to try and get it before, though, as I'm not that used to the new system yet.
We should do some Runespanning indeed!