I really don't feel like chompy hats guys, sorry to disappoint you!
Yes, Galaxy, it was discontinued a while ago, along with some other old quests, that are now only available as mini-quests. I really disliked the discontinuation, but Jagex thought it was necessary.
On a happier note, I bought myself a chaotic maul and tome of frost with all the Dungeoneering tokens I had saved, and I'm still getting more, so the goal that once seemed impossible (all Dungeoneering rewards and level 113 for all songs), is actually starting to look doable.
I tried out the new D&D, Big Chinchompa, and managed to get 1,099 points, lol, while 1,111 is a requirement for the completionist cape. I think this is a rather weird requirement, as you don't unlock anything, but once I get 91 Hunter I'll easily manage this, if not before then. It's not that great XP, but aiming for that 1,111 makes it kinda fun.
Oh and I'll have to add another goal after yesterday's update: getting the new journals as drops from the GWD bosses. Hope they're not too rare, especially Nex' book.
So, what else have I been doing? Just working on my dailies, weeklies and monthlies, which are getting me very close to Taskmaster now (700K Summoning XP from Bork/lamps is needed and I can get 95). I also managed to scrape together the money for a new green partyhat, of which I flipped two yesterday, making me 15M, and all that just before they went down 35M! Lucky me, finally.
My goals for the near future are to get 90 Woodcutting (very close) and Mining (promissary note is gonna help me there) for Dungeoneering, and just continue what I'm doing now. Maybe get Smithing to 99 at last..
Wall of text'd.
I've just gotten 94 Summoning, which allowed me to finish all Ardougne elite tasks. Now I need just one more level for the taskmaster emote!
Also unlocked the two Queen Black Dragon music tracks. I thought you had to get to wave 3, but it turned out simply entering her lair was enough. This means I only need 8 more tracks. If anyone is interested, they are:
- Dominion Tower IV
- Dominion Tower V (yeah I should get these some time
- Blink
- Dreadnaut (not too far off these)
- Hope Devourer
- World-gorger Shukarhazh
- Kal'Ger the Warmonger (these will take a bit longer, but they seem doable now)
- Victory Is Mine (ugh.. one day!)
07-Sep-2012 16:52:14
- Last edited on
07-Sep-2012 17:15:52
Tim Skye
Wonder how the Chaotic Maul will be with the EoC
Still, since the new amulets weren't a Dungeoneering reward, there's not much else to buy (Sneakerpeeper?!), & since you only need around 3M tokens for every reward currently you'll be fine. They're definitely good for Waterfiends= Crimson Charms= Monkey!
Chef Hats are far more uncommon than Party Hats. Party Hats exist for showing off, which is made pointless when everyone has them. Only the pro's use Chef Hats.
Just wondering in terms of music, what happened to Warped Geluga? I'm presuming that has music too
Well done in advance for Taskmaster, 90 Fish/Mine, 99 Smithing, & your Nex Journal
Thank you Steven! Yes, the Sneakerpeeper is high on my list, haha, as is the pet monkey of course! As far as the other rewards go, I'll just buy what I feel like buying.
I love chef's hats too!
I've unlocked Warped Gulega and the Torqueo music track during the Fremennik Trials, hehe.
"I've just gotten 94 Summoning, which allowed me to finish all Ardougne elite tasks. Now I need just one more level for the taskmaster emote!
" - Tim Skye
good stuff!
Blink Dreadnaut Hope Devourer World-gorger Shukarhazh