I guess you could get it as you should really get an Agile Top like NOW, even if you don't use it often again, as you'll get it eventually to get all of the loyalty rewards you might aswell. True it is limited compared to the others as beyond 93 it has little use & it's only useful for 20 minutes every 140 minutes.
So the conclusion to that is you shouldn't bother, I just felt like putting up a balanced paragraph in there. I got Greenfingers for Farming Herbs around 3-4 weeks ago, I don't really intend to farm herbs much beyond 99 so it's sort of pointless, especially as I stopped using it over a week ago anyway.
Why 95 Prayer, get 99!
The order of the sentences I've posted don't really make any sense but that's what I do as per usual.
03-Feb-2012 18:50:33