Good to see your goals are still going strong. Best of luck and have fun with achieving them all
Edit - adds get a baby TzRek-Jad and Pharoahs Sceptre to own goal list
Honour. Honesty. Respect.
28-Oct-2011 13:13:56
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28-Oct-2011 13:20:47
Thanks Amweebo, good to see you are still out there as well!
I haven't been achieving much lately, but don't worry, I won't be abandoning these goals anytime soon!
Finally some news: completed the 20th strange rock statue.
Also did the new quest a few days ago and got the extra rewards, and I upgraded my tackle box, at 237 Fish Flingers medals now!
10-Nov-2011 16:09:42
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10-Nov-2011 16:10:29
Tim Skye
I havn't made any progress recently
Just noticed you included the Wunderkind Title as a goal, wondering why
No idea how useful the other rewards are anyway, I just don't see the point of titles
Haha okay
I agree, titles are pointless, but they are something that can be achieved nonetheless. I have plenty of achievements already that had no use either, so I felt this fits here. As the lists says, though, it has a very low priority for me.
Built 21st strange rock statue, gained more fish flingers medals, and did a bit of work in the Artisan's workshop, obtained the golden cannon reward!
Oh and almost forgot, obtained the gorilla mask from The Pit!
19-Nov-2011 00:37:00
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19-Nov-2011 14:04:00
Tim Skye
Keep going Tim, just 8 more weeks to go and you can cancel rocks forever, it's a good feeling never having to do again.
That reminds me I've won the mask just never been back to train Agility since finishing rocks to claim it.. |: