Heya Everyone
Weekly log 17/06/2013 - 23/06/2013
17/06 -
Dailies. Players Owned Ports. OSR.
Daily challenge: Veteran.
Kill slayer creatures that are assigned to you by a slayer master: 44. Reward: 5,691 Slayer xp.
183 Kurasks
Achieved 81 Slayer.
18/07 -
Dailies. Players Owned Ports. OSR.
Daily challenge: Delve into Daemonheim.
Complete a floor in Daemonheim on maximum complexity: 1. Reward: 113,364 dungeoneering xp.
19/06 -
Dailies. Players Owned Ports. OSR.
Daily challenge: Veteran.
Kill slayer creatures that are assigned to you by a slayer master: 44. Reward: 5,953 Slayer xp.
Meg returned from her adventure, with a treasure chest for me. Reward: Huge xp lamp(thieving) 68,815 xp and 49,500 gp.
136 Kurasks
Kurask head drop, kill 1,260.
20/06 -
Dailies. Players Owned Ports. OSR.
Daily challenge: Rune Minotaurs.
Infuse rune minotaur pouches: 3. Reward: 23,160 Summoning xp and 3 runite ore from mystery bag.
21/06 -
Dailies. Players Owned Ports. OSR.
55 Red Dragons, 117 Grotworms(mature), 136 Aquanites, 168 Dust devils
Achieved 94 Ranging.
22/06 -
Dailies. Players Owned Ports. OSR.
Daily challenge: Rune Minotaurs.
Infuse rune minotaur pouches: 3. Reward: 23,160 Summoning xp and 3 runite ore from mystery bag.
155 Aberrant spectres
60 Tasks in a row(60 points)
, 122 Turoths, 144 Basilisks, 173 Basilisks, 152 Aquanites
Gained 82 Constitution.
23/06 -
Dailies. Players Owned Ports. OSR.
Daily challenge: Veteran.
Kill slayer creatures that are assigned to you by a slayer master: 44. Reward: 5,954 Slayer xp.
144 Trolls, 172 Kurasks