Heya Everyone
Weekly log 27/05/2013 - 02/05/2013
27/05 -
Dailies. Players Owned Ports. OSR.
Daily challenge: Delve into Daemonheim.
Complete a floor in Daemonheim on maximum complexity: 1. Reward: 113,364 dungeoneering xp.
180 Black Demons
28/05 -
Dailies. Players Owned Ports. OSR.
Daily challenge: Delve into Daemonheim.
Complete a floor in Daemonheim on maximum complexity: 1. Reward: 113,364 dungeoneering xp.
Achieved 100 Dungeoneering, 79 Slayer, 81 Attack, and 80 Constitution.
172 Dust Devils, 149 Turoths, 47 Red Dragons
29/05 -
Dailies. Players Owned Ports. OSR.
Daily challenge: Delve into Daemonheim.
Complete a floor in Daemonheim on maximum complexity: 1. Reward: 113,364 dungeoneering xp.
Meg returned from her adventure, with a treasure chest for me. Reward: Large xp lamp(hunting) 27,713 xp and 23,250 gp.
30/05 -
Dailies. Players Owned Ports. OSR.
146 Spectres 40th Task
31/05 -
Dailies. Players Owned Ports. OSR.
Daily challenge: Delve into Daemonheim.
Complete a floor in Daemonheim on maximum complexity: 1. Reward: 113,364 dungeoneering xp.
Daily challenge: Advanced Barbarian Advanced Course.
Complete laps of the advanced Barbarian Outpost Course: 24. Reward: 21,025 Agility xp.
01/06 -
Dailies. Players Owned Ports. OSR.
Daily challenge: Advanced Barbarian Advanced Course.
Complete laps of the advanced Barbarian Outpost Course: 24. Reward: 21,025 Agility xp.
175 Kalphite
02/06 -
Dailies. Players Owned Ports. OSR.
Daily challenge: Veteran.
Kill slayer creatures that are assigned to you by a slayer master: 49. Reward: 5,663 Slayer xp.