Heya Everyone
Yesterday, I achieved 79 Hunter, one level to go, for now. Made around 200 Infernal Prayer urns, looking on getting around 1k of them before I start range. Best place, if making totally from scratch is Barbarian Village. Can mine the clay, use on well to make soft clay, then use the spinning wheel, and kiln, all in one place! That's awesome.
Today, I ran Lvl1 clues, so far made over 800k, got ancient and arma page, and lots of random "junk" lol. Finished buying 100k Cannonballs, also for range. That's all for now.
@Sin in Blood Thanks for your support.
@DancingQueen *waves to Ruby frantically*
@Sakkallis Thanks for the support.
Heya Everyone
Did a bit of Pest Control, no levels gained yet. Spent 12,856 tokens and achieved 72 Dungeoneering. Did Recruitment Drive quest, on 3rd try lol.
02-Aug-2011 12:15:52
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02-Aug-2011 12:17:15
Heya Everyone
Today I completed Lumbridge Hard Tasks, Falador Easy Tasks, and Seer Village Easy Tasks. Also did most of the Ardougne Easy Tasks, have 3 to go, which are:
A Cat is For Life(need an Adult cat), Creator and Destroyer(need to kill a Unicow at Tower of Life) and Dukes Of Khazard(need to kill something on Khazard Battlefield).
Used the 8k lamp from Lumbridge Hard on Attack, and the 1k lamp rewards from other task sets on Defence, achieving 42 Defence. Actually enjoyed doing the tasks(surprise!), and discovered there are quite a few in each Task set I can complete, though I am limited to what quests I can do. That's all for now
@Sakkallis Thanks for the bump and continual support.
@Snowbuster Thanks. How goes the Thieving?
03-Aug-2011 13:16:07
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03-Aug-2011 19:58:59
Very good thanks, just hit 91, should be 92 in an hour or so.
Congratz on the Tasks, I also enjoy doing them - getting the levels required to complete them gives me a purpose in my skilling, I'm sure you'll agree.
Heya Everyone
Have been doing a couple of quests. Completed Recruitment Drive, Family Crest, and Shilo Village. Did take a few days off between 3rd-6th, have irl stuff to deal with lol.
Yesterday, I was absolutely disgusted at this Lvl138s attempt to troll me and accuse me of being a "botter", and a liar. It seems every time I enter the Grand Exchange, and he is there, he harasses me, which isn't very nice. Perhaps he should get his facts straight, before accusing people, and I feel someone of his level,and experience, should have more sense. Next time he does this, he will automatically be going on ignore. Anyway enough of my in game problems with a certain person, time for more scaping
@Snowbuster Congrats on your recent thieving levels! Go you!
@Sin in Blood Thanks for the bump
06-Aug-2011 21:07:06
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06-Aug-2011 21:10:31
Heya Everyone
Really have lost my sense of direction at the moment, so I'm going back to what I have done in the past, fishing Strength xp, and farming herbs. Will continue will this until I feel motivated to try something else. I am barehand fishing swords/tuna, and farming snapdragons. I gained 14,834 Strength xp(swords/tuna), and farmed 173 Snapdragons, totaling around 1.5mil gp.
I will also continue with my preparations for 99 Range, which includes stockpiling Internal Prayer urns, cannonballs and Prayer potions. When I feel I have enough, I with begin to work on 99 Range.
Be back later to update, hope everyone is achieving goals they have set themselves, all the best
Snapdragons: 173 Swordfish: 1018 Tuna: 1005
Total value: 1,501,946
07-Aug-2011 13:26:05
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08-Aug-2011 13:53:22
Hai Rell, sorry to hear you were accused of being a botter and a liar from this player. When players claim these things they're usually just jealous. I ignore these players after I've tried to explain to them that I'm not a botter. Good luck with 99 range