Melvl138- Thanks! Yeah F2p Skillers Ftw! Indeed ^-^
Kevin W131- Yeah. Alright great! Send me a PM when your ready to Trade. Yeah every little bit helps.
Aw-som-ness- Thanks! Ah I had thought of doing that but wasn't a lot of Profit. Yeah I won't drink MANY of them.
Skillful Ltd- Indeed it is! Yeah its been very slow getting Trades so far. Thanks! Let me know
Haimonek- Yeah. I try to post this on as many places as I can. Thanks!
M A- Indeed it is! Thanks!
Cane731- Thanks!
Commentator- Thanks! Yeah I'll be sure to get everyone to be drinking when I get it. Alright klet me know.
Quick Quack- Indeed! Thanks! Nice new name.
Dekka Master- Thanks! Yeah but they take a while to respawn. Alright let me know.
EpsilonSigma- Ah man thats LOW!!
Sworddemon38- Indeed it is! Yeah I will! Yeah I eat LOTS of Bread & Sleep GOOD.
Bunnny- Thanks! Bunny Ears FTW!
Strictz- Thanks! I will update that next tiem I log on to Mine.
Tim Skye- Indeed it is! I will be Mining Mithril till Addy & Addy & Mithril till Rune. 2nd post has the progress. Thanks!
Tailcracker- Thanks! Indeed it has been hard so far with getting Trades.
poopes- I will!
Grevoise- Thanks! Yeah!
iLucien- Haha! Indeed it is! Thanks!
LetGoOfMyAss- Indeed it is! Yeha I'd like to be done by the end of this year with making them all. Then I'll be working on Mining to Pay everyone back
Alright let me know.
Makin Wines to 200M Cooking xp
Quick find code: 48-49-360-61888776
Hehe, still following this thread, and the one on the tip it forums
I've also seen a screeny of you helping Slay the Xp making a Gorgonite 2h sword, lol.