Zero Trade- Yes it is! Thanks!
Ayhaan- Yeah. Yeah its a Hard Goal. I won't give up! I would run out of Room if I did.
Gambles Dice- Thanks for the Bump but don't need anymore Bunps.
Bobrocksrule- Thanks! I'll get it done
Gilly 2811- GL to you when you go for it. Let me know when you are.
DeanVellio- Thanks!
Mental135- Yes I do have a long way to go. I will be Mining rune, Addy & mithril to pay everyone back. Will also get lots of Gems.
Dannyp136- Thanks!
Nic- Thanks!
Qulias- Thanks! Yeah it is Crazy.
Malibu Black- Thanks
DancingQueen- Thanks!
Crush2920- Thanks! Alright Great! Just let me know when your ready to Trade. It is a lot of Work.
Combustable- Thanks!Alright Great! Just let me know if you can Trade anything later.
Siython- You could get it & it Profits!
Buck Off- Thanks! Alright Great! Just let me know when your ready to Trade.
Niki- Thanks!
iSuperMario- Thanks!
Soroga God- Thanks!
Yri- Thanks!
Jenny Smith- Thanks!
BaconAndEggs- Thanks!
Live 4 Rs- Thanks!
DancingQueen- The 2nd post has an Updated amount
Level 83 Mining today.
Afk The Xp- Thanks!
Makin Wines to 200M Cooking xp
Quick find code: 48-49-360-61888776