Date Started: 2/17/18 Estimated end date: No idea. Long time t hough.
I am starting with fm/thieving atm. I need the cash for 99 fletching as well as 200m post 99. Which is a 1.2b+ money sink just to make fletching a viable 200m. Literally con/fletching are the only buyables for ironman atm. I mean crafting/smithing may be bought as well through there respective shops.
So yea whatever i am on my way there currernt pic of stats:
I am determined to hit 1b overall exp in 2 years from now w current xp rates. I try to play 12 hrs a day so wis me luck i rly want to win
Another silly, albeit side goal of mine iis to obtain all 99s without touching combats besides ranged/mage because they dont rally increase ur cb lvls too much & I like unique builds like these. Anyways thats all for now folks cya around!
18-Jul-2018 01:18:24
- Last edited on
18-Jul-2018 03:18:00
Mrs Letty