I got a Fish Mask in Squeal of Fortune before. I honestly don't like the look of it; and in the near future I can't see it being worth very much so I just sold mine straight away
wtf hao do u hav 8m cus i usd 2 hav 8m but ay hav 0gp nao nd ay was jest about 2 go bak 2 playin roonscape cus ay finally wanted 2 get lvl 3 minigameneerin ded u hak me?
no et dosnt 70+ meens ets ovr 70 but summonin is only @ 70 which isnt over 70 ay lernd et @ may 2nd grade math class (ya im only 36 in kindergarden but takn 2nd grd math classes) nd ay reported u 2 may mommy 4 lyin
ay was writin up dis rly exitin story on ur oder thred but u no wat im moving it 2 dis thread:
et is a data analysis data collectshun program et is also de software we use hevily 2 connect 2 diffrnt types of probes in many of de labs we do hear der r many special collection meter such as ectrophotometers tempreture probes nd oder speshulizd devices dat will plug in2 ur komputr thru usb port
i no ay sed part 2 was commin yesterday on ur oder thred but dis thing takes srs long time 2 rite ets gunna b a rly exitin story tho ets liek de teletubbies but almost as exitin but not quite as so ya
19-Jun-2012 22:41:57
- Last edited on
19-Jun-2012 22:44:24