21 / October / 2017 Update
(Chain Link 3)
Plus for the slayer codex, 120 out of 149 souls collected! > )
Gz on 3.1b total!
Did you say it was some psychological experiment? What were you testing? Anyway, this might be a very good investment! When partyhats are rereleased and crash massively, things like dyes and maybe holly will skyrocket! Cheers!
Ok, no more visages! Effigies from Helwyr next!
Cheerio! > )
You know how some people put in GE offers for items that are worth well over max cash, e.g. party hats? Party hats for example are unrealistic to fill since their actual value is much higher than what you can put in the GE, however, if you wait all eternity, eventually some people will (for one reason or another) sell a hat via the GE, and your order comes next in the queue. That's what I was testing, to see just how long it would take to buy a holly that way, although of course because they were somewhat close to max cash value even before the small crash, I expected it to take 2-3 months or so. Before the crash the price had been steadily increasing from when it was still 800m, so I didn't anticipate the crash, which sped up the process quite a lot!
Oh and Helwyr (or any GWD2 general for that matter) has never dropped effigies, as nice as it would be.