Interesting goals! There are various little tips and tricks you'll pick up as you get more familiar with things again, and it's great that you've already got a set of goals that you can enjoy, plus an idea regarding how you can make some money. You may be aware of these already but in terms of your cooking, portable ranges are useful for cooking as they provide a 20% exp bonus and occasionally give you extra fish; example if you have 1000 raw fish and you cook them all successfully, you'll end up with say 1030 cooked fish. The extra fish won't get you extra exp, but you'll save a bit of money, or make a bit extra. (search thread "Portable Locations V2/join friends chat "Portables" for more detail)
Well done for your achievements so far; I'm not a great quester and I remember how much of a disastrous time I had with Mourning Ends 2, so kudos on that particularly
All the best