Even now myself and tufty have said you need to use the review thread not post here (with these comments) but instead you still post here talking about that.
Since you edited in some comments I've now to post a reply.
You are here for the soul purpose of trashing this thread to get it locked as an act of revenge. You are trying this because you got a 2 year old thread locked that the OP posted on and are trying to lay some sort of blame on Him for the lock. Thats not how the forums work. You feel an injustice was done then You use review thread. You do not goto someone's thread and try and get revenge to get a thread locked.
You have been asked to stop posting here. You have also been asked to use review if you feel I've over stept my boundries. So instead of dragging this out with even more comments to derail this thread use Review. Ask Jagex for help and advice.
This is my last comment on this issue as I don't want to derail this thread any more then needs be.
Comprehensive Account Security
10hp Purist
Jeremy Cheng
Are you currently buying dragonkin lamp from the merch every day?
as stated to
your friend
as you respond to every conversation hes recently been in. ********** he was told not to post what he does. as this is "life after 200m all" doesnt fall under that category, unless you are 200m all then fire away.
CM Brandon
Keep workin' on them gains, my dude.
not much left in rs so have to work on them else where lol. thanks
Jeremy Cheng
Are you currently buying dragonkin lamp from the merch every day?