What a weird quest Dragon Slayer 2 was: started out as an investigation to Elvarg's behavior on Crandor, but quickly turned into a quest to unlock the memories of a cat that used to be a human, the undead blue dragon that was hyped so much was just a red herring to everything, and suddenly dragonkin appeared from a sealed underground place because lore convenience. Lastly, the dragons tried to destroy humanity for the dragonkin, but defeating the Egyptian God, Slifer the Executive Producer...
...(yes, it looked very similar to a Yugioh monster) killed the dragonkin in chain reaction and stopped the war before it really even began. Not before it managed to kill Bob the cat though. And now I can enter a new guild.
Not that good nor bad of a quest tbh, it had some fun boss mechanics and lore moments but everything from the agility obstacle course to non-boss combat encounters just weren't as good as in Monkey Madness 2 IMO. Apparently the NPC that stored your items on death made over 7.8b gp on the launch day from players' deaths (100k for each death), but luckily I didn't die or fail anything even once, so Jagex didn't get to sink my gp! > )
Vorkath the red herring defeated:
Mourning Bob the cat:
...I never learned why Elvarg was so aggressive though. It'll remain a mystery.