Max's Hunt For Dyes
Quick find code:
hey, just peeking in.
keep going and you will get another dye sooner or later
04-Mar-2017 11:05:50
Cheers YYinh and lambal.
Hard #547
Reward: Guthix kiteshield, rune pickaxe, rune longsword, Bandos cloak, Guthix crozier
Value: 136,557
Elite #523
Reward: 9 prayer potions, Ancient stole, 5 rune bars, 8 water talismans
Value: 162,153
04-Mar-2017 16:09:11
The clue rework may not come this month, but what will come is luck rework, which means better drops from bosses like Telos for example and more desirable rewards from clues. Sounds interesting, hopefully the prices don't crash.
Also got probably my first ever crystal triskelion part from an elite, I don't remember ever getting one. Well, at least the first one on this log.
Hard #548
Reward: Black d'hide chaps, 20k coins, rune platebody, 3 Meerkat pouches
Value: 64,095
Elite #524
Reward: 5 rune bars, yew seed, 10 unicorn horns, crystal triskelion fragment 2
Value: 148,347
05-Mar-2017 13:49:12
Hard #549
Reward: Black d'hide body, 75 nature runes, 2 mystic air staffs, 6 Pollnivneach teleports
Value: 100,486
Elite #525
Reward: 2 uncut dragonstones, 9 antifires, dragon helm, 10 unicorn horns, 50k coins, 8 Pollnivneach teleports
Value: 204,050
Elite #526
Reward: 15 swamp lizards, 8 water talismans, 2 lantadyme seeds, 50k coins, 10 Lumber Yard teleports
Value: 196,402
05-Mar-2017 20:48:40
Hard #550
Reward: Rune 2h sword, black d'hide body, rune longsword, 30k coins
Value: 91,190
Elite #527
Reward: 8 battlestaves, 5 rune bars, 2 lantadyme seeds, dragon platelegs/skirt ornament kit (sp), 60k coins
Value: 193,277
06-Mar-2017 15:54:48
Hard #551
Reward: Rune full helm, black d'hide body, magic composite bow, 8 Phoenix Lair teleports
Value: 34,453
Elite #528
Reward: 8 water talismans, 9 prayer potions, 2 dwarf weed seeds, palm seed, 15 biscuits
Value: 289,022
07-Mar-2017 21:22:20
Hard #552
Reward: 20k coins, rune pickaxe, mystic earth staff, 6 Tai Bwo Wannai teleports
Value: 65,853
Elite #529
Reward: Papaya seed, 2 uncut dragonstones, 8 water talismans, 9 antifires, 7 Bandit Camp teleports
Value: 158,850
Elite #530
Reward: 2 uncut dragonstones, 50k coins, 9 prayer potions, 15 royal dragonhides, 21 purple sweets
Value: 203,128
08-Mar-2017 15:23:00
Peeking in
I'm gaÿ.
08-Mar-2017 16:20:26
^ Thanks for peeking in.
Hard #553
Reward: Rune pickaxe, 5 black dragonhides, rune kiteshield, 19 fetch casket scrolls
Value: 69,897
Hard #554
Reward: Rune full helm, 300 rune arrows, rune longsword, 19 fetch casket scrolls
Value: 104,307
Elite #531
Reward: 10 unicorn horns, palm seed, 10 Tai Bwo Wannai teleports, 15 swamp lizards
Value: 258,007
09-Mar-2017 12:39:54
What's up with all these fetch casket scrolls...
Hard #555
Reward: Mystic earth staff, mystic water staff, 75 law runes, 16 fetch casket scrolls
Value: 73,858
Elite #532
Reward: 40 mahogany planks, 8 battlestaves, 10 unicorn horns, 2 uncut dragonstones, 2 dwarf weed seeds, 18 fetch casket scrolls
Value: 188,932
10-Mar-2017 21:29:16
Quick find code:
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