Apr 2008 Maxrevenge6 Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile Elite #1615 Reward: 10 unicorn horns, 15 royal dragonhides, 9 prayer potions, 9 super restores, blessed dragonhide vambraces (Zaros) Value: 387,420 Elite #1616 Reward: 8 battlestaves, palm seed, 15 swamp lizards, dragon helm, 75 Saradomin arrows, papaya seed Value: 221,402 Elite #1617 Reward: 9 prayer potions, palm seed, 12 onyx bolt tips, 1 tower-skipping ticket, rune platebody Value: 247,485 Elite #1618 Reward: Yew seed, 50k coins, 4 uncut dragonstones, 5 rune bars, bonus XP star (large), grapevine seed Value: 210,034 11-Dec-2018 14:37:40
Apr 2008 Maxrevenge6 Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile Hard #1798 Reward: Mystic earth staff, magic composite bow, 75 law runes, mystic fire staff, 5 Grand Exchange teleports Value: 465,653 Hard #1799 Reward: Rune platebody, 75 nature runes, 75 astral runes, 3 puzzle-skipping tickets Value: 1,430,369 Hard #1800 Reward: 2 rune pickaxes, blessed dragonhide body (Saradomin), 150 rune arrows, mystic fire staff, rune plateskirt (h3) Value: 611,741 Hard #1801 Reward: Mystic water staff, 150 rune arrows, mystic air staff, blessed dragonhide vambraces (Guthix) Value: 312,821 Hard #1802 Reward: Rune kiteshield (Zamorak), rune longsword, mystic fire staff, 75 blood runes, 75 astral runes Value: 155,643 Hard #1803 Reward: 48 mahogany planks, rune platelegs, rune pickaxe, 4 puzzle-skipping tickets, sealed clue scroll (master) Value: 1,868,071 12-Dec-2018 20:03:25
Apr 2008 Maxrevenge6 Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile Master #270 Reward: Rune platebody, 100k coins, dragon helm, 2 uncut dragonstones, pyjama bottoms, 2 crystal keys Value: 861,833 Hard #1804 Reward: Mystic earth staff, 75 nature runes, mystic water staff, 4 knot-skipping tickets, sealed clue scroll (master) Value: 348,619 Master #271 Reward: Papaya seed, 2 uncut dragonstones, 10 water talismans, 25 hydrix bolt tips, 7 rune bars, 25 fetch casket scrolls Value: 463,656 Hard #1805 Reward: Rune kiteshield, yew composite bow, mystic fire staff, rune full helm, 75 blood runes, 10 fetch casket scrolls Value: 512,927 Hard #1806 Reward: Black cavalier, 150 rune arrows, 75 astral runes, 5 black dragonhides, blessed dragonhide body (Guthix), 75 law runes Value: 673,248 13-Dec-2018 14:58:48
Apr 2008 Maxrevenge6 Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile Hard #1807 Reward: Rune full helm, mystic water staff, 150 rune arrows, 3 costume-skipping tickets Value: 451,623 Hard #1808 Reward: 40k coins, rune full helm, mystic air staff, 15 white firelighters Value: 88,279 Hard #1809 Reward: 75 blood runes, rune full helm, rune platebody (t), rune pickaxe, rune longsword Value: 139,911 Hard #1810 Reward: Mystic water staff, tan cavalier, Zamorak stole, 75 astral runes, rune platebody, 5 black dragonhides Value: 650,676 Hard #1811 Reward: 150 rune arrows, mystic earth staff, rune platebody, mystic fire staff, 75 blood runes, 4 Gu'Tanoth teleports Value: 156,809 13-Dec-2018 19:59:12
Apr 2008 Maxrevenge6 Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile Elite #1619 Reward: 15 royal dragonhides, blessed dragonhide coif (Zaros), 10 unicorn horns, yew seed Value: 357,865 Elite #1620 Reward: 10 unicorn horns, 9 antifires, 18 prayer potions, yew seed, 87 Saradomin arrows, grapevine seed, sealed clue scroll (master) Value: 156,852 Master #272 Reward: Rune platebody, gilded boater, 15 battlestaves, 2 weapon poison ++, 25 onyx bolt tips, papaya seed Value: 787,864 Elite #1621 Reward: 30 royal dragonhides, 2 uncut dragonstones, 15 swamp lizards, papaya seed, Robin Hood tunic, sealed clue scroll (master) Value: 517,583 Master #273 Reward: 2 dragon helms, 2 weapon poison ++, 2 wines of Zamorak, papaya seed, 1x Armadyl page 1 Value: 1,691,864 Elite #1622 Reward: Dragon helm, 12 onyx bolt tips, blessed dragonhide body (Armadyl), 50k coins Value: 485,078 Elite #1623 Reward: 5 rune bars, 12 onyx bolt tips, yew seed, 15 swamp lizards, 9 Grand Exchange teleports, 9 prayer potions Value: 252,070 Elite #1624 Reward: 36 onyx bolt tips, 5 rune bars, 10 Bandit Camp teleports, 9 prayer potions, sealed clue scroll (master) Value: 348,421 Master #274 Reward: Papaya seed, 2 rune platebodies, 8 prayer renewals, 7 Bandit Camp teleports Value: 160,098 Elite #1625 Reward: 2 palm seeds, 2 uncut dragonstones, 12 green firelighters, 8 water talismans, sealed clue scroll (master) Value: 233,132 Master #275 Reward: 4 prayer renewals, dragon helm, 30 battlestaves, 100k coins, 6 Lighthouse teleports Value: 423,205 Elite #1626 Reward: 12 onyx bolt tips, 8 water talismans, rune platebody, 4 meerkats pouches, grapevine seed, sealed clue scroll (master) Value: 220,779 14-Dec-2018 21:29:02
Apr 2008 Maxrevenge6 Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile Master #276 Reward: 60 mahogany planks, 100 dragon arrowheads, 2 weapon poison ++, palm seed, 10 water talismans, 5 meerkats pouches Value: 302,594 Master #277 Reward: Rune platebody, 2 weapon poison ++, yew seed, 100 dragon arrowheads, 2 uncut dragonstones, 16 purple firelighters Value: 174,705 16-Dec-2018 11:50:40
Apr 2008 Maxrevenge6 Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile Hard #1812 Reward: Rune longsword, Robin Hood hat, mystic air staff, 75 blood runes, rune 2h sword, 150 rune arrows Value: 499,517 Hard #1813 Reward: 24 mahogany planks, magic composite bow, rune longsword, rune kiteshield, 150 rune arrows, 8 Clocktower teleports Value: 527,196 Hard #1814 Reward: Rune platebody, yew composite bow, magic composite bow, 14 biscuits Value: 904,495 Hard #1815 Reward: Rune pickaxe, 75 law runes, 24 mahogany planks, 6 Phoenix Lair teleports Value: 69,270 Hard #1816 Reward: Rune pickaxe, rune platebody, 24 mahogany planks, 75 nature runes, Saradomin stole, 20k coins Value: 411,904 16-Dec-2018 21:30:23
Apr 2008 Maxrevenge6 Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile Hard #1817 Reward: Mystic air staff, mystic water staff, rune platebody, rune longsword, 6 Clocktower teleports Value: 106,322 Hard #1818 Reward: 20k coins, rune platelegs, mystic earth staff, 58 Zamorak arrows, 5 black dragonhides Value: 103,668 Hard #1819 Reward: 150 law runes, rune platelegs (h3), mystic fire staff, rune kiteshield Value: 371,004 Hard #1820 Reward: Rune full helm, mystic earth staff, rune kiteshield, 2 rune pickaxes, 69 Saradomin arrows Value: 122,828 Hard #1821 Reward: 24 mahogany planks, mystic water staff, rune kiteshield, 4 Pollnivneach teleports, mystic earth staff Value: 103,615 Hard #1822 Reward: 75 astral runes, rune full helm, rune pickaxe, 5 black dragonhides, rune kiteshield (Guthix) Value: 117,027 18-Dec-2018 19:09:58
Apr 2008 Maxrevenge6 Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile Hard #1823 Reward: Rune platelegs, mystic earth staff, 75 law runes, 8 Gu'Tanoth teleports, sealed clue scroll (master) Value: 94,250 Master #278 Reward: 100 dragon arrowheads, 4 crystal keys, papaya seed, 7 rune bars, 17 biscuits Value: 267,508 Hard #1824 Reward: Rune 2h sword, rune pickaxe, rune longsword, 5 Tai Bwo Wannai teleports, 150 rune arrows Value: 99,632 Hard #1825 Reward: 75 astral runes, rune 2h sword, mystic air staff, 24 mahogany planks, mystic water staff, 50 Guthix arrows Value: 140,872 Hard #1826 Reward: Mystic earth staff, rune platebody, mystic fire staff, 3 meerkats pouches Value: 93,017 Hard #1827 Reward: Mystic air staff, 20k coins, rune full helm, 24 mahogany planks, amulet of glory (t4) Value: 361,085 Hard #1828 Reward: Mystic water staff, 150 nature runes, mystic air staff, rune longsword, 8 Gu'Tanoth teleports Value: 134,705 Hard #1829 Reward: 48 mahogany planks, rune longsword, rune kiteshield, 75 nature runes, 15 blue firelighters, mystic air staff Value: 150,750 Hard #1830 Reward: 5 black dragonhides, 20k coins, rune pickaxe, mystic earth staff, 75 astral runes, 8 Lighthouse teleports Value: 167,001 Hard #1831 Reward: 2 rune platelegs, rune full helm, 30k coins, mystic fire staff Value: 148,494 Hard #1832 Reward: Rune longsword, magic composite bow, 75 blood runes, 80 Saradomin arrows Value: 534,883 18-Dec-2018 21:21:47
Feb 2016 THEA STlLTON Posts: 2,508 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile Hi Maxrevenge6, Best of luck on your hunt for the Dyes! Maxed Master Quest Cape Completionist (T) 19-Dec-2018 17:31:30