Max's Hunt For Dyes
Quick find code:
Elite #1499
Reward: 12 onyx bolt tips, 8 water talismans, 2 palm seeds, 3 lockbox-skipping tickets, 8 battlestaves
Value: 351,072
Elite #1500
Reward: 5 rune bars, papaya seed, rune platebody, palm seed, 79 Zamorak arrows, 9 prayer potions, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 222,302
Master #217
Reward: Papaya seed, 2 uncut dragonstones, 20 water talismans, 25 onyx bolt tips, 74 Saradomin arrows
Value: 367,100
Elite #1501
Reward: 8 battlestaves, papaya seed, yew seed, 15 royal dragonhides, 1x Bandos page 1
Value: 473,815
Elite #1502
Reward: 10 unicorn horns, yew seed, 40 mahogany planks, 12 onyx bolt tips, dragon helm, 1 lockbox-skipping ticket
Value: 232,049
Elite #1503
Reward: 9 super restores, 40 mahogany planks, 8 water talismans, 9 antifires, 2 uncut dragonstones, 7 Phoenix Lair teleports, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 169,877
Master #218
Reward: 200k coins, yew seed, 2 weapon poison ++, dragon helm, dragonstone dragon mask
Value: 770,681
26-Oct-2018 21:09:56
Elite #1504
Reward: 16 battlestaves, 10 unicorn horns, dragon full helm ornament kit (sp), dragon helm, 15 swamp lizards, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 206,214
Master #219
Reward: 2 yew seeds, 4 prayer renewals, dragon helm, 2 crystal keys, 108 Saradomin arrows
Value: 243,761
Elite #1505
Reward: 18 prayer potions, 15 swamp lizards, 9 antifires, 73 Zamorak arrows, grapevine seed
Value: 140,837
Elite #1506
Reward: 2 uncut dragonstones, palm seed, grapevine seed, 2x Bandos page 4, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 510,516
Master #220
Reward: 30 battlestaves, 50 onyx bolt tips, 100k coins, 28 fetch casket scrolls
Value: 642,932
28-Oct-2018 15:44:21
Master #221
Reward: Evening shoes, papaya seed, rune platebody, palm seed, 100k coins, 15 battlestaves
Value: 1,283,539
Hard #1601
Reward: Rune platelegs, 2 runekiteshields, 75 astral runes, 2 costume-skipping tickets
Value: 420,472
Elite #1507
Reward: 50k coins, 8 battlestaves, rune platebody, 40 mahogany planks, bonus XP star (large), 10 unicorn horns
Value: 191,701
Elite #1508
Reward: 15 royal dragonhides, 9 antifires, grapevine seed, yew seed, 12 onyx bolt tips, bonus XP star (large)
Value: 238,370
Elite #1509
Reward: 9 prayer potions, 16 water talismans, 24 onyx bolt tips, 87 Guthix arrows, 8 battlestaves
Value: 376,749
Elite #1510
Reward: 15 swamp lizards, 8 water talismans, 18 antifires, 80 Guthix arrows
Value: 153,848
Elite #1511
Reward: 2 papaya seeds, dragon helm, 8 battlestaves, 40 mahogany planks, 17 green firelighters, rune platebody, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 228,698
Master #222
Reward: 25 onyx bolt tips, 100 dragon arrowheads, palm seed, 4 prayer renewals, re-roll token (master), 60 mahogany planks
Value: 378,293
31-Oct-2018 17:06:04
Hard #1602
Reward: Blessed dragonhide body (Zamorak), mystic air staff, rune longsword, yew composite bow, enchanted hat
Value: 746,385
Hard #1603
Reward: Rune platelegs, mystic fire staff, 75 law runes, 6 Bandit Camp teleports
Value: 97,390
02-Nov-2018 20:52:58
Elite #1512
Reward: 5 rune bars, papaya seed, 30 royal dragonhides, 75 Zamorak arrows, grapevine seed
Value: 269,981
Hard #1604
Reward: Rune pickaxe, 2 rune longswords, mystic water staff, 5 Lumber Yard teleports
Value: 124,993
Hard #1605
Reward: 24 mahogany planks, mystic water staff, rune longsword, 76 Zamorak arrows, rune plateskirt (g)
Value: 148,733
Hard #1606
Reward: 75 law runes, 24 mahogany planks, mystic fire staff, mystic water staff, 8 Lighthouse teleports, 150 rune arrows
Value: 206,476
Hard #1607
Reward: Rune longsword, rune 2h sword, 150 rune arrows, 8 Phoenix Lair teleports, 75 astral runes, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 106,470
Master #223
Reward: Rune platebody, palm seed, dragon helm, gilded boater, 2 weapon poison ++, 25 onyx bolt tips
Value: 888,683
Hard #1608
Reward: Rune full helm, rune longsword, rune platelegs, 3x Zamorak page 1
Value: 815,951
Hard #1609
Reward: Rune full helm, rune longsword, 20k coins, 5 black dragonhides, rune pickaxe, 6 Miscellania teleports
Value: 97,021
Hard #1610
Reward: 75 astral runes, rune platebody, mystic earth staff, 5 black dragonhides, rune kiteshield (Guthix)
Value: 139,240
03-Nov-2018 12:34:26
Hard #1611
Reward: 2 rune longswords, rune full helm, mystic earth staff, 2 costume-skipping tickets
Value: 356,328
Hard #1612
Reward: Mystic earth staff, 20k coins, rune platelegs, 75 astral runes, 6 Clocktower teleports, rune platebody
Value: 147,592
Hard #1613
Reward: Rune full helm, 150 rune arrows, rune 2h sword, mystic earth staff, 3 meerkats pouches, 5 black dragonhides
Value: 129,110
Hard #1614
Reward: 2 rune platelegs, mystic water staff, 150 nature runes, 2 costume-skipping tickets
Value: 443,946
Hard #1615
Reward: Enchanted hat, 75 nature runes, rune longsword, 150 law runes
Value: 337,569
Elite #1513
Reward: 15 royal dragonhides, papaya seed, Saradomin bow, 50k coins, 9 antifires
Value: 467,920
Elite #1514
Reward: Papaya seed, 9 prayer potions, 5 rune bars, 9 antifires, 66 Guthix arrows, rune plateskirt (Ancient)
Value: 367,264
Elite #1515
Reward: 9 prayer potions, rune platebody, 2 uncut dragonstones, papaya seed, 8 Phoenix Lair teleports, 8 battlestaves
Value: 156,660
Elite #1516
Reward: Yew seed, dragon helm, 12 onyx bolt tips, 5 rune bars, 9 prayer potions, 9 Pollnivneach teleports, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 269,690
Master #224
Reward: 2 wines of Zamorak, 25 onyx bolt tips, 25 hydrix bolt tips, dragon helm, 2 weapon poison ++, onyx dragon mask
Value: 976,008
Elite #1517
Reward: 50k coins, papaya seed, 15 royal dragonhides, rune plateskirt (Armadyl), re-roll token (elite), grapevine seed, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 391,755
Master #225
Reward: 2 uncut dragonstones, 60 mahogany planks, 4 prayer renewals, 10 water talismans, 25 onyx bolt tips, 27 biscuits
Value: 405,068
03-Nov-2018 17:10:23
Hard #1616
Reward: Blessed dragonhide coif (Zamorak), rune full helm, pirate's hat, rune kiteshield (t), mystic fire staff, 20k coins
Value: 557,384
Hard #1617
Reward: Mystic air staff, mystic earth staff, enchanted robe, 2 rune 2h swords, rune platebody
Value: 573,964
Hard #1618
Reward: Rune platelegs, rune pickaxe, 75 law runes, rune full helm (Saradomin), 75 blood runes, blessed dragonhide body (Guthix)
Value: 407,505
Hard #1619
Reward: Rune kiteshield, 75 blood runes, rune 2h sword, 78 Guthix arrows
Value: 124,568
Hard #1620
Reward: 75 law runes, rune longsword, 24 mahogany planks, rune platebody, 2 costume-skipping tickets
Value: 394,581
Hard #1621
Reward: Rune longsword, 150 rune arrows, mystic water staff, 8 Lighthouse teleports
Value: 137,740
Hard #1622
Reward: Mystic water staff, mystic earth staff, rune pickaxe, rune kiteshield, 24 mahogany planks, 8 Clocktower teleports
Value: 126,305
Hard #1623
Reward: Rune longsword, rune platebody (Saradomin), 20k coins, 150 rune arrows
Value: 119,020
Hard #1624
Reward: 2 rune full helms, mystic earth staff, 6 Lumber Yard teleports
Value: 118,694
Hard #1625
Reward: Magic composite bow, 75 blood runes, rune 2h sword, 150 rune arrows, 24 mahogany planks, 1 costume-skipping ticket
Value: 526,229
Hard #1626
Reward: 300 rune arrows, 75 nature runes, mystic water staff, rune platelegs, 8 Gu'Tanoth teleports, fox mask
Value: 470,169
Hard #1627
Reward: Rune platelegs, 75 blood runes, rune longsword, 2 costume-skipping tickets
Value: 381,266
Hard #1628
Reward: Rune kiteshield, rune platelegs, 20k coins, yew composite bow, 6 Lumber Yard teleports
Value: 398,458
04-Nov-2018 14:44:20
Elite #1518
Reward: 9 antifires, 10 unicorn horns, rune platebody, 94 Saradomin arrows, yew seed
Value: 120,246
Elite #1519
Reward: 50k coins, 9 antifires, 40 mahogany planks, 8 battlestaves, 10 Phoenix Lair teleports, 9 prayer potions
Value: 204,234
Elite #1520
Reward: 8 water talismans, rune platebody (Armadyl), 50k coins, 40 mahogany planks, 15 royal dragonhides, 9 super restores
Vale: 506,916
Elite #1521
Reward: 15 royal dragonhides, 9 antifires, 50k coins, dragon helm, 16 purple sweets, dragon sq shield ornament kit (sp), sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 227,882
Master #226
Reward: Evening gloves, 60 mahogany planks, 100 dragon arrowheads, 4 prayer renewals, rune platebody, palm seed
Value: 1,242,152
Elite #1522
Reward: Dragon platelegs/skirt ornament kit (sp), palm seed, 10 unicorn horns, 10 rune bars, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 291,319
Master #227
Reward: Palm seed, 4 prayer renewals, 2 rune platebodies, 7 rune bars, 71 Saradomin arrows
Value: 297,653
Elite #1523
Reward: 9 super restores, 8 water talismans, yew seed, palm seed, 12 onyx bolt tips, 6 Lighthouse teleports
Value: 335,192
04-Nov-2018 14:44:35
Hard #1629
Reward: 2 rune 2h swords, 2 rune kiteshields, rune platelegs (h3), rune longsword
Value: 380,694
Hard #1630
Reward: Rune platelegs, rune platebody, 24 mahogany planks, 5 Phoenix Lair teleports, mystic earth staff
Value: 125,612
Hard #1631
Reward: Rune kiteshield, mystic water staff, rune 2h sword, 75 astral runes, 150 rune arrows, 19 fetch casket scrolls
Value: 149,675
Hard #1632
Reward: Mystic earth staff, mystic air staff, rune kiteshield, 9 biscuits, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 79,926
Master #228
Reward: Papaya seed, 60 mahogany planks, crystal triskelion fragment 3, 100 dragon arrowheads, 10 water talismans, 2 weapon poison ++
Value: 258,563
Hard #1633
Reward: Rune full helm, 150 rune arrows, rune plateskirt (h3), 75 law runes
Value: 304,611
Elite #1524
Reward: 9 super restores, 9 antifires, palm seed, 2 uncut dragonstones, 9 prayer potions, 2 lockbox-skipping tickets
Value: 195,032
Elite #1525
Reward: 3 palm seeds, 16 battlestaves, 7 Tai Bwo Wannai teleports
Value: 309,884
Elite #1526
Reward: 9 prayer potions, 8 battlestaves, dragon platelegs/skirt ornament kit (or), 5 rune bars, 15 royal dragonhides, 50k coins
Value: 334,345
Elite #1527
Reward: 9 super restores, yew seed, 15 royal dragonhides, 4 lockbox-skipping tickets, 2 uncut dragonstones
Value: 187,067
Elite #1528
Reward: 15 royal dragonhides, dragon helm, 5 rune bars, 2 tower-skipping tickets, palm seed
Value: 349,033
Elite #1529
Reward: 9 prayer potions, yew seed, 12 onyx bolt tips, 5 Lumber Yard teleports, 9 antifires, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 209,096
Master #229
Reward: 60 mahogany planks, rune platebody, 4 weapon poison ++, dragon helm, 8 Lumber Yard teleports
Value: 332,857
05-Nov-2018 20:03:30
Elite #1530
Reward: 50k coins, rune full helm (Armadyl), papaya seed, 40 mahogany planks, 8 water talismans, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 418,581
Master #230
Reward: 60 mahogany planks, ring of trees, papaya seed, 20 water talismans, palm seed
Value: 1,336,960
Elite #1531
Reward: 9 antifires, 15 swamp lizards, Ancient stole, yew seed, 8 water talismans
Value: 401,535
Elite #1532
Reward: 40 mahogany planks, dragon helm, dragon sq shield ornament kit (sp), 8 water talismans, 15 royal dragonhides
Value: 253,426
Elite #1533
Reward: 5 rune bars, Ancient stole, palm seed, dragon helm, blessed dragonhide chaps (Bandos), sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 664,200
05-Nov-2018 20:03:41
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