
Max's Hunt For Dyes

Quick find code: 48-49-198-65871131

Apr Member 2008


Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hard #1232

Reward: Mystic air staff, rune full helm, mystic fire staff, 75 law runes, mystic water staff, 1x Bandos page 2
Value: 393,710

Hard #1233

Reward: Rune full helm, 150 rune arrows, Zamorak coif, 75 blood runes, mystic earth staff, rune platebody (h1)
Value: 851,950

Hard #1234

Reward: 75 nature runes, 2 rune platebodies, mystic water staff, rune platelegs, 8 purple sweets
Value: 173,843

Hard #1235

Reward: Rune kiteshield, rune platelegs, magic composite bow, 75 blood runes, 20k coins, 5 Pollnivneach teleports
Value: 508,839

Hard #1236

Reward: Rune 2h sword, rune longsword, mystic air staff, 5 black dragonhides, 6 Miscellania teleports
Value: 99,007

Hard #1237

Reward: Rune 2h sword, rune helm (h3), 75 law runes, rune plateskirt (Guthix)
Value: 494,838

Hard #1238

Reward: 5 black dragonhides, rune longsword, 2 yew composite bows, 5 Tai Bwo Wannai teleports
Value: 786,772

Hard #1239

Reward: 20k coins, rune platelegs, mystic water staff, rune pickaxe, 1 knot-skipping ticket, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 156,618

Master #75

Reward: 4 crystal keys, 2 wines of Zamorak, 7 rune bars, rune platebody, box of clue scrolls
Value: 1,918,700

Master #76

Reward: Rune platebody, yew seed, 30 battlestaves, 2 wines of Saradomin, evening dipped skirt
Value: 2,687,667

17-Apr-2018 15:25:09

Apr Member 2008


Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hard #1240

Reward: 300 rune arrows, Bandos cloak, rune full helm (g)
Value: 430,927

Hard #1241

Reward: Rune platebody, 20k coins, 150 rune arrows, enchanted robe bottom
Value: 434,600

Hard #1242

Reward: 75 astral runes, rune pickaxe, rune platebody, 2 puzzle-skipping tickets
Value: 1,079,255

17-Apr-2018 20:48:53

Apr Member 2008


Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hard #1243

Reward: 5 black dragonhides, mystic fire staff, rune platebody, 3 costume-skipping tickets
Value: 713,951

Elite #1171

Reward: Rune platebody, 12 onyx bolt tips, palm seed, 5 Lighthouse teleports, 5 rune bars
Value: 345,699

Hard #1244

Reward: 24 mahogany planks, dark cavalier, 75 law runes, rune platelegs (t), 75 blood runes
Value: 579,813

Elite #1172

Reward: 12 onyx bolt tips, 15 swamp lizards, 5 rune bars, grapevine seed, 6 Lighthouse teleports, 8 water talismans
Value: 322,277

Hard #1245

Reward: 5 black dragonhides, 75 astral runes, 75 blood runes, 5 Gu'Tanoth teleports, mystic air staff
Value: 127,120

Hard #1246

Reward: Mystic water staff, magic composite bow, 5 black dragonhides, 67 Zamorak arrows
Value: 421,818

Hard #1247

Reward: 2 rune 2h swords, rune full helm, 75 astral runes, 51 Zamorak arrows
Value: 125,957

Hard #1248

Reward: Rune full helm, rune platebody, yew composite bow, 24 mahogany planks, mystic water staff, 19 fetch casket scrolls
Value: 499,673

Hard #1249

Reward: Yew composite bow, 75 blood runes, 2 rune platelegs, rune pickaxe, 71 Zamorak arrows
Value: 514,200

Hard #1250

Reward: Mystic air staff, rune full helm, rune platelegs, 7 Pollnivneach teleports, mystic water staff
Value: 110,011

Elite #1173

Reward: Papaya seed, 10 unicorn horns, 5 rune bars, 52 Saradomin arrows, 8 water talismans, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 174,229

Master #77

Reward: 2 crystal keys, rune platebody, 120 mahogany planks, palm seed, bonus XP star (huge)
Value: 375,163

Elite #1174

Reward: 9 super restores, rune platebody, 9 prayer potions, 88 Guthix arrows, 5 rune bars
Value: 186,364

18-Apr-2018 15:30:39

Apr Member 2008


Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hard #1251

Reward: Rune full helm, mystic water staff, rune kiteshield, 150 rune arrows, 1 knot skipping-ticket, mystic air staff
Value: 184,372

Elite #1175

Reward: 40 mahogany planks, 9 prayer potions, 8 water talismans, 12 onyx bolt tips, papaya seed, 3 meerkats pouches
Value: 268,794

Hard #1252

Reward: Rune platebody (h4), 75 nature runes, 75 law runes, rune pickaxe, rune longsword, mystic earth staff
Value: 506,361

Elite #1176

Reward: 40 mahogany planks, 8 battlestaves, Ancient chaps, 12 onyx bolt tips
Value: 550,915

Hard #1253

Reward: Mystic air staff, 150 law runes, Guthix vambraces, Robin Hood hat, 75 astral runes, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 910,126

Master #78

Reward: Gilded boater, yew seed, palm seed, 2 crystal keys, 2 weapon poison ++, 25 hydrix bolt tips
Value: 1,683,896

Elite #1177

Reward: Rune platebody, 12 onyx bolt tips, 10 unicorn horns, 18 red firelighters, palm seed
Value: 246,778

Hard #1254

Reward: Rune longsword, 2 mystic fire staves, 75 blood runes, 75 law runes, 10 purple sweets
Value: 144,264

Elite #1178

Reward: 15 swamp lizards, grapevine seed, 80 mahogany planks, 20 fetch casket scrolls, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 174,264

Master #79

Reward: 60 mahogany planks, 2 uncut dragonstones, 2 wines of Saradomin, 100 dragon arrowheads, yew seed, bonus XP star (huge)
Value: 329,962

Elite #1179

Reward: Bandos stole, 9 prayer potions, yew seed, 2 uncut dragonstones, 5 rune bars
Value: 543,617

21-Apr-2018 15:02:18

Apr Member 2008


Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
About 10-11 years I waited and this finally happened, on 22th of April 2018. I finally got a freaking third-age item. A kiteshield. I'm shocked, I thought this would never happen. O_o
Hard #1259.

Hard #1255

Reward: 150 rune arrows, 2 mystic air staves, rune full helm, rune plateskirt (Zamorak), 75 astral runes
Value: 155,897

Elite #1180

Reward: 50k coins, 15 royal dragonhides, 8 water talismans, dragon platelegs/skirt ornament kit (or), 5 rune bars
Value: 446,857

Hard #1256

Reward: Rune platebody, rune cane, 75 astral runes, mystic earth staff
Value: 497,793

Elite #1181

Reward: 9 antifires, 2 uncut dragonstones, 8 water talismans, 6 meerkats pouches, 9 super restores, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 173,034

Master #80

Reward: 2 uncut dragonstones, 4 prayer renewals, 100 dragon arrowheads, 7 rune bars, dragon helm, 29 purple sweets
Value: 283,703

Hard #1257

Reward: 75 blood runes, 75 law runes, 150 rune arrows, 8 Lumber Yard teleports
Value: 193,366

Elite #1182

Reward: 2 uncut dragonstones, grapevine seed, dragon helm, palm seed, 6 Miscellania teleports, 40 mahogany planks, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 268,194

Master #81

Reward: 4 weapon poison ++, 60 mahogany planks, rune platebody, 4 prayer renewals, 5 Lumber Yard teleports
Value: 336,947

Hard #1258

Reward: Rune platelegs, rune platebody, mystic fire staff, 24 mahogany planks, 49 Saradomin arrows
Value: 135,183

22-Apr-2018 14:51:00

Apr Member 2008


Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hard #1260

Reward: Rune platelegs, 10 black dragonhides, 75 law runes, rune 2h sword, 30k coins, magic composite bow
Value: 560,574

Hard #1261

Reward: 300 rune arrows, rune platelegs, rune platebody, 8 Gu'Tanoth teleports, rune platelegs (t)
Value: 176,969

Hard #1262

Reward: Rune kiteshield, rune plateskirt (t), 20k coins, rune platebody, rune pickaxe
Value: 142,402

Hard #1263

Reward: Mystic air staff, 150 blood runes, 75 law runes, 41 Saradomin arrows
Value: 145,082

Hard #1264

Reward: Rune longsword, 75 astral runes, 75 law runes, 3 knot-skipping tickets, rune kiteshield
Value: 288,739

Hard #1265

Reward: 75 nature runes, Zamorak vambraces, mystic water staff, 20k coins
Value: 456,064

Hard #1266

Reward: Mystic water staff, 75 blood runes, 75 nature runes, 4 Gu'Tanoth teleports, rune kiteshield
Value: 145,292

Hard #1267

Reward: Rune platelegs, 225 astral runes, rune kiteshield (Saradomin), Saradomin chaps
Value: 543,622

22-Apr-2018 20:57:24

May Member 2014


Posts: 641 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
hello max :) how are you doing?

first of all: im so happy too see your still going with your log.

ive stopped recording my rewards cuz i decided to focus more on pvming then clues, but that doesn't mean ive stopped doing clues :)

i hope you like the clue update that was released not too long ago. (i love the clue update :P ) master clues ftw :P

i saw you got a third-age item not too long ago, gratz on that.
i also broke my third-age virginity not too long ago, got a third-age range coif on hard clue 1374 :) yaaaay :)

i wish you the best, keep the rewards coming :)

23-Apr-2018 12:12:16

Apr Member 2008


Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi lambal! I'm doing good, thanks.

It's a shame that you and Axio gave up on your logs. Maybe that'll happen to me too, but for now I'm planning to go all the way to 200 pages. That might take a while though, because I tend to post multiple clues at a time.

What do I think of the clue update? Yes, I absolutely love it! One of the best updates in a while. Master clues ftw indeed. :D

Glad to hear that you got a third-age item as well, gratz!

Best of luck to you as well! :)

Hard #1268

Reward: 150 astral runes, 24 mahogany planks, 75 nature runes, enchanted hat, rune 2h sword
Value: 543,115

Elite #1183

Reward: 12 onyx bolt tips, re-roll token (elite), 2 yew seeds, papaya seed, palm seed, 8 water talismans
Value: 323,989

Hard #1269

Reward: 25k coins, 75 nature runes, rune full helm, mystic fire staff, 13 purple sweets, 5 black dragonhides
Value: 129,628

Elite #1184

Reward: 2 palm seeds, 40 mahogany planks, papaya seed, 50k coins, dragon platelegs/skirt ornament kit (or), sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 555,853

Master #82

Reward: 25 hydrix bolt tips, papaya seed, 100k coins, 2 weapon poison ++, 10 water talismans, bonus XP star (huge)
Value: 484,616

23-Apr-2018 16:58:25

Apr Member 2008


Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hard #1270

Reward: Mystic water staff, 24 mahogany planks, mystic air staff, rune full helm, rune longsword, 4 puzzle-skipping tickets
Value: 2,389,760

Elite #1185

Reward: 12 onyx bolt tips, rune platebody, papaya seed, 2 grapevine seeds, 5 Pollnivneach teleports, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 204,003

Master #83

Reeard: 2 papaya seeds, dragon helm, 4 prayer renewals, 7 rune bars, 7 Pollnivneach teleports
Value: 272,573

23-Apr-2018 19:46:09

Apr Member 2008


Posts: 1,720 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hard #1271

Reward: Mystic air staff, rune platelegs, 20k coins, yew composite bow, 15 white firelighters
Value: 484,591

Elite #1186

Reward: 8 water talismans, 40 mahogany planks, rune plateskirt (Bandos)
Value: 557,172

Hard #1272

Reward: Rune longsword, 75 blood runes, yew composite bow, mystic air staff, 20k coins, 57 Guthix arrows
Value: 511,862

Elite #1187

Reward: 80 mahogany planks, 12 onyx bolt tips, papaya seed, rune kiteshield (Armadyl)
Value: 597,355

Hard #1273

Reward: Rune longsword, mystic air staff, blessed dragonhide coif (Zamorak), rune pickaxe, 5 black dragonhides
Value: 442,495

Elite #1188

Reward: 18 super restores, 8 battlestaves, 24 fetch casket scrolls, 9 antifires
Value: 166,114

Hard #1274

Reward: 75 blood runes, rune 2h sword, 20k coins, 24 mahogany planks, 75 blood runes, 3 puzzle-skipping tickets
Value: 1,870,125

Elite #1189

Reward: 4 uncut dragonstones, dragon sq shield ornament kit (or), papaya seed, grapevine seed
Value: 109,698

Hard #1275

Reward: 75 blood runes, 24 mahogany planks, mystic air staff, blue d'hide chaps (t), rune platebody
Value: 516,628

Elite #1190

Reward: 30 unicorn horns, rune platebody, yew seed, 16 red firelighters
Value: 126,113

24-Apr-2018 19:18:05 - Last edited on 24-Apr-2018 19:19:06 by Maxrevenge6

Quick find code: 48-49-198-65871131 Back to Top