Max's Hunt For Dyes
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Hard #1031
Reward: Rune full helm, rune platelegs (h5), 2 rune platebodies, enchanted top, mystic earth staff
Value: 1,375,992
Elite #1061
Reward: 15 royal dragonhides, dragon helm, 9 prayer potions, 7 Grand Exchange teleports, palm seed
Value: 304,287
Hard #1032
Reward: 5 black dragonhides, mystic earth staff, 20k coins, yew composite bow, mystic water staff, 7 Clocktower Teleports, SEALED CLUE SCROLL (MASTER)
Value: 559,609
03-Mar-2018 20:25:32
Reward: 14 rune bars, 25 onyx bolt tips, dragon helm, 2 crystal keys, crystal triskelion fragment 2
Value: 495,764
Elite #1062
Reward: Armadyl stole, 9 super restores, 15 swamp lizards, 9 antifires, SEALED CLUE SCROLL (MASTER)
Value: 695,594
Reward: 2 uncut dragonstones, 15 battlestaves, papaya seed, rune platebody, 2 weapon poison ++, 3x Guthix page 4
Value: 1,050,155
Hard #1033
Reward: Mystic fire staff, magic composite bow, rune platebody, 24 mahogany planks, rune longsword, 7 Miscellania teleports
Value: 554,031
Elite #1063
Reward: 15 swamp lizards, 15 royal dragonhides, 8 battlestaves, grapevine seed, 26 purple sweets, papaya seed, SEALED CLUE SCROLL (MASTER)
Value: 227,530
Reward: 10 water talismans, papaya seed, dragon helm, 100 dragon arrowheads, 2 uncut dragonstones, bonus XP star (huge)
Value: 208,896
Hard #1034
Reward: Rune plateskirt (h4), mystic water staff, 24 mahogany planks, 20k coins, rune 2h sword, rune longsword
Value: 778,143
04-Mar-2018 11:04:04
Elite #1064
Reward: Grapevine seed, 2 yew seeds, 10 unicorn horns, 15 swamp lizards, 75 Saradomin arrows, 9 prayer potions
Value: 174,179
Hard #1035
Reward: Rune platebody, 5 black dragonhides, mystic earth staff, 75 law runes, 2x Bandos page 3
Value: 1,327,768
Elite #1065
Reward: 5 rune bars, 40 mahogany planks, yew seed, Armadyl coif
Value: 726,711
Hard #1036
Reward: Rune platelegs (h4), 150 rune arrows, rune shield (h4), rune pickaxe
Value: 1,279,385
Elite #1066
Reward: Rune platebody, 8 water talismans, grapevine seed, 5 rune bars, 5 Tai Bwo Wannai teleports, 15 royal dragonhides
Value: 250,391
Hard #1037
Reward: Rune pickaxe, rune 2h sword, rune kiteshield, mystic air staff, rune helm (h4), 75 nature runes
Value: 779,559
Elite #1067
Reward: Rune platebody, 2 palm seeds, 24 onyx bolt tips, 2x Ancient page 2
Value: 855,764
04-Mar-2018 13:26:43
Hard #1038
Reward: Rune kiteshield, 24 mahogany planks, 150 rune arrows, rune platelegs, Saradomin stole
Value: 748,976
Elite #1068
Reward: Papaya seed, 2 yew seeds, 8 water talismans, 8 Lumber Yard teleports, 12 onyx bolt tips, SEALED CLUE SCROLL (MASTER)
Value: 315,917
Reward: 100 dragon arrowheads, dragon helm, 2 uncut dragonstones, 2 weapon poison ++, papaya seed, reaper ornament kit
Value: 23,406,191
Hard #1039
Reward: Mystic air staff, 75 nature runes, 2 rune full helms, rune full helm (t), magic composite bow, SEALED CLUE SCROLL (MASTER)
Value: 560,253
Reward: Dragon helm, 7 rune bars, palm seed, 15 battlestaves, 60 mahogany planks, pyjama slippers
Value: 6,411,574
04-Mar-2018 16:36:16
Hard #1040
Reward: Rune platebody, mystic air staff, rune 2h sword, yew composite bow, 8 Phoenix Lair teleports
Value: 541,239
Elite #1069
Reward: 2 grapevine seeds, 45 swamp lizards, rune platebody (Armadyl), SEALED CLUE SCROLL (MASTER)
Value: 694,422
Hard #1041
Reward: Mystic fire staff, 150 rune arrows, rune full helm, rune platelegs, 4 puzzle-skipping tickets
Value: 2,669,952
04-Mar-2018 18:28:59
Master #20
Reward: 4 prayer renewals, 25 onyx bolt tips, yew seed, 25 hydrix bolt tips, 60 mahogany planks, bag of clues
Value: 1,718,058
Hard #1042
Reward: 2 magic composite bows, mystic fire staff, 30k coins
Value: 883,661
Elite #1070
Reward: 15 swamp lizards, yew seed, 10 unicorn horns, rune platebody, 5 rune bars, 6 Miscellania teleports, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 186,037
Master #21
Reward: Palm seed, onyx dragon mask, dragon helm 2 rune platebodies, yew seed
Value: 1,264,083
Hard #1043
Reward: Magic composite bow, 150 rune arrows, rune pickaxe, 15 blue firelighters
Value: 461,638
Elite #1071
Reward: Dragon helm, 40 mahogany planks, 2 uncut dragonstones, 9 super restores, Bandos crozier, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 761,929
Master #22
Reward: 4 prayer renewals, 100k coins, 2 wine of Saradomins, tuxedo shoes, 2 weapon poison ++, gilded cavalier
Value: 5,943,718
05-Mar-2018 16:39:00
Hard #1044
Reward: 20k coins, rune longsword, mystic earth staff, rune shield (h2)
Value: 691,026
Hard #1045
Reward: Mystic air staff, 20k coins, 75 blood runes, 75 law runes, 8 biscuits
Value: 111,958
05-Mar-2018 20:14:15
Hard #1046
Reward: Mystic water staff, rune plateskirt (Zamorak), magic composite bow, rune 2h sword
Value: 510,192
Elite #1072
Reward: 8 battlestaves, steel dragon mask, 50k coins, rune full helm (Bandos), 9 antifires, 8 water talismans
Value: 1,428,853
Hard #1047
Reward: Mystic air staff, rune kiteshield, yew composite bow, 150 rune arrows, mystic fire staff, 6 Pollnivneach teleports, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 527,008
Master #23
Reward: 25 hydrix bolt tips, 15 battlestaves, 10 water talismans, dragon helm, 100k coins, 27 biscuits
Value: 543,015
Elite #1073
Reward: 40 mahogany planks, 16 battlestaves, 9 antifires, cat staff, penguin staff
Value: 1,357,429
06-Mar-2018 10:16:39
Hard #1048
Reward: 75 law runes, rune platebody, mystic earth staff, 2 knot-skipping tickets
Value: 406,201
Elite #1074
Reward: 8 battlestaves, rune platebody, Ancient coif, 2 uncut dragonstones
Value: 679,158
Hard #1049
Reward: Magic composite bow, rune kiteshield, 2 rune platebodies, 24 mahogany planks, 4 meerkat pouches
Value: 586,147
Hard #1050
Reward: Rune kiteshield (Saradomin), mystic water staff, rune 2h sword, rune kiteshield, mystic earth staff
Value: 172,695
Hard #1051
Reward: 75 astral runes, 150 rune arrows, 20k coins, 75 law runes, rune longsword, 3x Bandos page 3
Value: 1,868,641
Hard #1052
Reward: Ancient cloak, rune kiteshield, 75 astral runes, 75 law runes
Value: 681,683
06-Mar-2018 11:20:37
Elite #1075
Reward: 40 mahogany planks, 18 super restores, Bandos crozier, 5 rune bars, sealed clue scroll (master)
Value: 789,869
Elite #1076
Reward: 16 battlestaves, grapevine seed, 10 rune bars, 87 Zamorak arrows
Value: 260,034
06-Mar-2018 20:06:04
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