A sound seemingly closer than before punctuated his senses- more branches snapping. Something rustling and moving quickly towards him. Something closing on him. He needed no more warning, without looking behind he pelted along the track.
He ran, as fast as he could, gliding through the tall towers of Hallowvale wood. He ran without heed of any other senses, his focus solely that of flight, to run as though death itself was on his heels.
He ran on through the path until the pain in his thighs and tightness in his lungs meant he was spent, and needed to rest before continuing through the forest. He looked behind. Nothing. No sign of anything in pursuit. He set off again, this time setting off in a manageable stride, not running, yet a pace which he would maintain for miles ahead. After a longer period, scanning the forest for any sign of pursuit, he slowed his pace to a fast walk.
Sweat was beating down his brow. The rain was pelting from the sky now- he was so transfixed with flight he did not notice that it was falling hard. A half moon shed scarce light into the forest; he had walked down from a ridge. The moon was low; he turned to sense whether there was any sound or sight of pursuit.
What he saw tore his courage from his heart.
Clearly silhouetted by the moon at the top of the ridge stood more than a dozen figures. Human-like in their form, still quite far away, but unmistakably moving swiftly in his direction.
Despair set in, nearly crying in fright, he turned about and ran. Pain coursed through his limbs, and burned his lungs. His thoughts were now incomprehensible, he was crying in dread, all his failing energies focussed in flight. His heart was thumping in his heart as fear shuddered through his body.
To his left, in the near distance, a dim red glow appeared. A glow which he had never seen before, not even once in all the time he had travelled through the forest.
28-Jan-2011 18:03:21
- Last edited on
28-Jan-2011 18:06:11