At first, I didn't know how to train Defense, so it was my lowest combat skill. Then, Justin taught me how and soon, defense became my highest skill, at level 20.
My main training spot was at a house which had one man and woman east of the Lumbridge Castle. This is where I trained my melee stats until I was combat level 50. This was back in the days when the maximum combat level was 126.
I remember when Construction came out. It was something I really wanted to do, but couldn't because I wasn't a member. I also remember when Summoning came out, and the idea of it seemed interesting as well because your combat level could now be 138. However, I don't remember when Hunter came out. It probably seemed like a boring skill to me back then, and I was right about that. During my first few years, I didn't train my skills competitively as I do now.
I was going into fifth grade when school started, a few weeks after I made my Runescape account. A person sitting next to me, Paul, played Runescape too and I gave him my password. Throughout the year, we shared this interest together. We found one other person named Jeremy that also played as well. I knew everyone who played Runescape in fifth grade. A few of them scammed my account because of the password I gave Paul, but it didn't really affect me in any way. I was angry at these people, but I was also eager to get my items back. I lost everything but 3 items, although I don't remember what items they were.
Also, Zezima was a celebrity when I was little. Everyone claimed to know him or be related to him, and I just went along with it.
01-Jan-2015 11:12:02
- Last edited on
23-Dec-2016 19:03:58