Minigames | activities | Titles
[ v ] Junior Cadet
[ v ] Serjeant
[ v ] Commander
[ v ] War-chief
[ v ] Attacker | Supreme Attacker
[ v ] Defender | Supreme Defender
[ v ] Collector | Supreme Collector
[ v ] Healer | Supreme Healer
[ v ] the Penance Slayer
[ v ] the Cabin Boy or the Cabin Girl
[ v ] Bo'sun
[ v ] First Mate
[ v ] Cap'm
[ v ] Commodore
[ v ] Admiral
[ v ] Admiral of the Fleet
[ v ] Portmaster
[ v ] of Daemonheim
[ v ] the Naabe
[ v ] the Survivor
[ v ] 1 of the 9 god section titles
[ v ] the Distracted
[ v ] the Detective
[ v ] Champion of Champions
[ v ] the Dark
[ v ] the Beast
[ v ] Slayer Master
[ v ] the Abyssal
Quest | Titles Part 1
[ v ] Vyreling
[ v ] Vyre Grunt
[ v ] Vyrewatch
[ v ] Vyrelord / Vyrelady
¥ 200m Herblore 1 All Other Stats ¥
- 28.02.2016 -
¥~ 5.6B/ 5.6B ~¥
11-Jun-2019 03:10:07
- Last edited on
18-Jun-2019 03:53:57
Stats To Max