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Quick find code: 48-49-150-62351290

Aug Member 2008


Posts: 10,596 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thanks much you guys. Getting busy in real life...
Reached Level 104 Slayer.
Recent tasks in reverse chronological order:
* 103 Jungle Strykewyrms - Hexcrest
* 145 Nechryael - Torstol Seed
* 232 Warped Tortoises - Nil
* 239 Waterfiends - Nil
* 67 Terror Dogs - Nil
* 238 Black Demons - Nil
* 176 Dagannoths - Nil
* 181 Abyssal Demons - 2 Abyssal Whip
* 98 Iron Dragons - Dragon Plateskirt
* 211 Hellhounds - Nil
* 105 Vyrewatch - Nil
* 107 Jungle Strykewyrms - Nil
* 191 Dark Beasts - Nil
* 185 Dagannoths - Nil
* 184 Dark Beasts - Nil
* 199 Mutated Bloodvelds - Nil
* 207 Dark Beasts - Nil
* 184 Fire Giants - Nil
* 219 Mutated Bloodvelds - Nil
* 190 Mutated Jadinkos - Nil
* 226 Warped Tortoises - Nil
* 202 Abyssal Demons - Nil
* 152 Nechryael - Nil
* 138 Living Rock Creatures - Nil
* 199 Gargoyles - Nil
* 236 Warped Tortoises - Nil
* 280 Volcanic Creatures - Completed Kuradal's Challenge
Illegitimi Non Carborundum

01-Nov-2012 18:37:09

The contents of this message have been hidden.

17-Nov-2012 11:00:05

Aug Member 2008


Posts: 10,596 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thanks for support!
Reached Level 105 Slayer.
* 240 Dark Beasts - Ancient Effigy, 200 Battlestaff, Dark Bow
* 183 Hellhounds - Nil
* 237 Fire Giants - Nil
* 168 Dust Devils - Nil
* 104 Iron Dragons - Nil
* 23 Mithril Dragons - Nil
* 232 Warped Tortoises - Nil
* 214 Waterfiends - Ancient Effigy
* 180 Mutated Bloodvelds - Nil
* 153 Living Rock Creatures - Nil
* 205 Dark Beasts - Nil
* 204 Warped Tortoises - Nil
* 182 Dark Beasts - Dark Bow
* 234 Fire Giants - Nil
* 70 Black Dragons - Nil
* 177 Abyssal Demons - Abyssal Whip
* 194 Gargoyles - Nil
* 60 Suqahs - Nil
* 237 Gargoyles - Nil
* 69 Terror Dogs - Nil
* 226 Black Demons - Nil
* 28 Mithril Dragons - Nil
* 172 Hellhounds - Nil
* 26 Mithril Dragons - Nil
* 61 Terror Dogs - Nil
* 46 Steel Dragons - 159 Adamantite Ore
* 209 Fire Giants - Nil
* 30 Mithril Dragons - Nil
* 155 Nechryaels - Torstol Seed
* 73 Grifolapines - Blocked!
* 150 Desert Strykewyrms - Nil
* 199 Dagannoths - Ancient Effigy
* 280 Volcanic Creatures - Completed Kuradal's Challenge
* 231 Mutated Bloodvelds - Nil
* 89 Iron Dragons - Nil
* 206 Fire Giants - Nil
* 76 Ganodermic Creatures - Magic Seed
* 138 Living Rock Creatures - Nil
* 205 Black Demons - Nil
* 65 Terror Dogs - Nil
* 165 Gargoyles - Nil
* 170 Nechryaels - Torstol Seed
* 224 Abyssal Demons - Abyssal Whip
* 104 Ice Strykewyrms - Nil
* 58 Suqahs - Nil
* 240 Dark Beasts - Nil
* 48 Black Dragons - Nil
* 93 Jungle Strykewyrms - Nil
* 27 Mithril Dragons - Nil
* 280 Volcanic Creatures - Completed Kuradal's Challenge
* 238 Waterfiends - Nil
* 177 Hellhounds - Nil
* 212 Necryaels - Nil
* 71 Suqahs - Nil
* 92 Steel Dragons - Dragon Plateskirt
* 52 Skeletal Wyverns - Nil
* 191 Gargoyles - Nil
* 280 Volcanic Creatures - Completed Kuradal's Challenge
* 150 Dust Devils - Nil
* 60 Steel Dragons - Nil
* 198 Mutated Jadinkos - Nil
* 167 Dust Devils - Nil
* 191 Dark Beasts - 2 Ancient Effigy
* 220 Gargoyles - Nil
* 238 Mutated Bloodvelds - Nil
* 116 Desert Strykewyrms - Nil
* 163 Ice Strykewyrms - Nil
Illegitimi Non Carborundum

18-Nov-2012 09:59:40

Nov Member 2023


Posts: 147 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Very nice!
Best of luck mate :)
Oh, by the way.
If any of you guys are interested, I also have a thread of my goals and achievements! If you happen to have any time and will to check it out, please do!
The quick find code of my thread is: 48-49-720-64110628
Thanks :)
Proudly a 'Scaper since 2004.

24-Nov-2012 08:27:54

Aug Member 2008


Posts: 10,596 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Reached Level 106 Slayer.
Tasks and notable drops shall be posted in two parts:
* 109 Iron Dragons - Nil
* 235 Abyssal Demons - Abyssal Whip
* 173 Gargoyles - Nil
* 200 Fire Giants - Nil
* 163 Ice Strykewyrms - Staff of Light
* 228 Abyssal Demons - 2500 Pure Essence
* 210 Gargoyles - Nil
* 173 Abyssal Demons - Nil
* 177 Ice Strykewyrms - Nil
* 130 Desert Strykewyrms - Nil
* 200 Gargoyles - Nil
* 33 Mithril Dragons - Nil
* 248 Mutated Bloodveld - Nil
* 193 Mutated Jadinkos - Nil
* 208 Black Demons - Nil
* 114 Jungle Strykewyrms - Nil
* 123 Grotworms - Nil
* 107 Tzhaar - Nil
* 136 Ice Strykewyrms - Staff of Light
* 92 Vyrewatch - Nil
* 71 Black Dragons - Nil
* 68 Terror Dogs - Nil
* 215 Dust Devils - Nil
* 235 Kalphites - Blocked!
* 193 Dagannoths - Nil
* 205 Mutated Jadinkos - Whip Vine
* 82 Steel Dragons - Nil
* 172 Dark Beasts - 41 Clean Toadflax
* 68 Grifolapines - Nil
* 123 Blue Dragons - Nil
* 159 Living Rock Creatures - Nil
* 26 Mithril Dragons - Nil
* 211 Waterfiends - Nil
* 103 Vyrewatch - Zamorak Page 1
* 57 Steel Dragons - Nil
* 224 Dark Beasts - Nil
* 179 Aberrant Spectres - Torstol Seed
* 110 Desert Strykewyrms - 2 Focus Sight
* 175 Dust Devils - Nil
* 24 Mithril Dragons - Nil
* 243 Gargoyles - Nil
* 78 Skeletal Wyverns - Nil
* 69 Steel Dragons - Nil
Illegitimi Non Carborundum

30-Nov-2012 22:24:29

Aug Member 2008


Posts: 10,596 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Continuation of tasks below:
* 180 Gargoyles - Nil
* 101 TzHaar - Nil
* 225 Black Demons - 243 Adamantite Ore
* 199 Hellhounds - Nil
* 146 Nechryaels - 31 Clean Snapdragon
* 78 Grifolaroos - Nil
* 70 Skeletal Wyverns - Nil
* 59 Black Dragons - Nil
* 182 Abyssal Demons - Nil
* 189 Mutated Bloodvelds - Nil
* 211 Dagannoths - Nil
* 169 Dark Beasts - Nil
* 85 Steel Dragons - Nil
* 202 Nechryaels - Nil
* 153 Dark Beasts - Dark Bow
* 238 Waterfiends - Nil
* 112 Vyrewatch - Nil
* 193 Black Demons - Nil
* 58 Black Dragons - Nil
* 193 Black Demons - Nil
* 203 Abyssal Demons - Nil
* 232 Greater Demons - Blocked!
* 227 Fire Giants - Nil
* 192 Dark Beasts - Nil
* 69 Terror Dogs - Blocked!
* 71 Iron Dragons - Draconic Visage
* 207 Hellhounds - Nil
* 112 Vyrewatch - Nil
* 228 Dark Beasts - Nil
* 221 Black Demons - Nil
* 209 Mutated Bloodveld - Nil
* 161 Mutated Jadinkos - Whip Vine
* 247 Gargoyles - Nil
* 217 Mutated Bloodveld - Nil
* 135 Living Rock Creatures - Nil
* 78 Iron Dragons - Dragon Platelegs
* 222 Spiritual Mages - Blocked!
* 150 Abyssal Demons - Nil
* 130 Ice Strykewyrms - Nil
* 155 Nechryaels - Torstol Seed
* 89 Suqahs - Nil
* 185 Abyssal Demons - Nil
* 140 Nechryaels - Torstol Seed
EOC is fun!
Illegitimi Non Carborundum

30-Nov-2012 22:26:59

Quick find code: 48-49-150-62351290 Back to Top