Minigames & D&D Checklist
All Fired Up - all items
Barbarian Assault - all armours and insignias (need Ranger/Runner/Healer hats + 8 armour upgrade kits)
Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza - all abilities
Castle Wars - All capes (2,165/5,000 games)
Deathmatch - Purchase all unlockable rewards
Demon Flash Mobs + ED3 - all Titles (15/15)
Dominion Tower - all rewards
Fish Flingers - outfit and champion tackle box
Fishing Trawler - Shark Tooth Necklace (3/5 teeth)
Fight Cauldron - full obsidian armour
Fight Kiln - enhanced fire cape
Flash Powder Factory - both outfits (5/5 Factory, 0/5 Rogue)
Gnome Restaurant - complete training
Great Orb Project - Full Master Runecrafting outfit
Heist - all Perks (8/8)
Mage Arena - Unlock Divine Storm
Memorial to Guthix - Prestige five times.
Mobilising Armies - all rewards ([4/4 scenarios], [2/4 outfits], [5/5 imbued rings*)
Pest Control - all armours and rewards
Player Owned Ports - full completion + highest tier upgrades
Pyramid Plunder - Sceptre of the Gods
, Black Ibis Outfit (4/4)
Shades of Mort'ton - all Necromancer staves [Mystic] (0/7) and Necromancer outfit (3/3)
Sinkholes - outfit and title
Soul Wars - all pets
Temple Trekking - both outfits
Trouble Brewing - all outfits (4/7 sets)
Unlocked all soul cape variants from Nomad Hardmode. (7/7)
Unlocked the Ravensworn Cape override.
Purchase all unlocks from Dodgy Derek's Dirty Deals store.