Good luck, you'll yet make for a completionist, at least if you can get enough bonds! > ) Although I wouldn't have guessed that you love cats that much, despite the naming ceremony thing. Be sure to do Tengu's special voyages at ports for even more free stuff!
3. Woodcutting - October, 2011
I have goofed up the picture somehow and cannot find it anymore
How sad!
There is one more person I didn't mention earlier who has given me free stuff - Anja! She is the best!!! What would I do without her? We both live in Rimmington, and she is the best neighbour I could possibly have! Not sure if it counts as a neighbour, though, because I reside in her house!
Alivuokralaisuus taitaapi olla kyseessä! > )
"Volat Accipiter libera est; venandi sua natura est."
~Accipiter striatus